Page 54 - 2022 AEO Benefit Guide
P. 54


                                     AEO REQUIRED BENEFIT FORMS, FLYERS

                                     AND NOTICES

                                     These notices, policies, plan documents, and much more can be found on the Benefitfocus
                                     Communications portal, which can be easily accessed in the AEO Benefitfocus portal.

                                                              REQUIRED NOTICES

                                               Plan Wrap Document: Notice of Privacy Practices (full version)

                                                    Plan Wrap Document: COBRA Notice (full version)
                                                              Medicaid and CHIP Notice

                                                  Women’s Health & Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA) of 1998

                                                 REQUIRED POLICY AND PLAN DOCUMENTS

                                                Summary of Benefits & Coverage (SBC) — English & Spanish

                                                             Summary Plan Descriptions

                                                               Summary Annual Report
                                                        Schedule of Benefits & Plan Documents

                                                                Plan Wrap Document

                                                    BENEFIT VIDEOS, FORMS AND FLYERS

                                                      AEO “Count Me In!” (or see form on page 55)
                                           “Foundation” and “Helping Hands” Charitable Payroll Deduction Form
                                           AEO Benefit overview videos, Single-Sign-On (SSO) to directly connect
                                                       you to your benefits, plan grids, and more!
                                                   Claim Forms and Additional Benefit Plan Information

                                     NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES

                                     The American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. Benefit Plan and its health insurance carriers
                                     maintain private health information about you for health plan purposes. This notice
                                     states the manner in which the Plan may use and disclose medical information, as
                                     well as your rights regarding use and disclosure.

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