Page 50 - 2022 AEO Benefit Guide
P. 50

Paid Time Off (PTO)

                                     AEO recognizes the need for our Associates to receive time off for vacation,
                                     illness or personal time. To meet this need, AEO provides you with paid time off
                                     (PTO). PTO is a pool of time to be used at your discretion under the guidelines
                                     administered by your supervisor.

                                     The summary below outlines the benefit available to you. For a complete copy of the
                                     PTO policy, please visit the Policy & Procedure Guide in The Hub or visit Policy Tech,
                                     if applicable.

          NEED TIME                  PTO hours are accrued bi-weekly. Accrual is a method used to determine the
                                     amount of PTO you have earned. Under this method, you earn a particular number of
          AWAY BUT                   PTO hours dependent upon your position, length of consecutive years of Full-Time
                                     service, and the number of eligible hours worked each week. You will be eligible to
          HAVEN’T                    accrue PTO immediately upon hire or transfer to Full-Time status. You are eligible
                                     to use accrued time after your 60th day of Full-Time service.

          ENOUGH                     NOTE:  Only non-exempt Associates are permitted to sell back unused PTO

                                            after meeting a 5-year service requirement. Those with 5 – 9 years of
          TIME?                             service can sell  back up to 40 hours; those with 10+ years of service
                                            can sell back up to 80 hours. Exempt Associates will forfeit any unused
                                            PTO at the end of the plan year (unless otherwise required by law).
          With  supervisor  approval,
          you are permitted to borrow
          PTO. Your balance can be   NOTE:  New Associates may earn less the first year because of fewer pay periods
          negative up to a maximum          worked. If hired after December 1st, PTO hours will automatically be
          of 80 PTO hours. PTO bor-         carried over to the following year.
          rowing cannot exceed 80
          PTO hours and all negative   Locating Your PTO Balance
          balances will carry over into   NOTE: The 2022 PTO plan year starts on February 13, 2022 and ends on Saturday,
          the new plan year if you do   February 11, 2023.
          not earn back enough time.
          Associates must repay AEO     Associates are responsible for keeping track of their used and unused PTO. If you
          if  they  terminate  prior  to    need assistance, your PTO balance can be obtained in the following ways:
          earning the time already     •  KRONOS (Stores, DCs, and Corporate [where applicable]).
                                       •  Your pay stub.
                                       •  Reaching out to your department’s staff assistant, the Payroll Department,
                                         or the Benefits Department.

                                     Each new plan year, you start with a zero balance in your PTO accrual bank and begin
                                     accruing hours for the new plan year. Unused PTO does not carry over from year to
                                     year (unless required by applicable law) and will not be paid out if not taken during
                                     that year (unless you are a non-exempt Associate and have met the service require-
                                     ment). If you have borrowed PTO time and have a negative PTO balance at the end of
                                     the plan year, your negative PTO balance will roll over to the new plan year. You will
                                     need to earn your way out of the negative balance.

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