Page 49 - 2022 AEO Benefit Guide
P. 49
“Count Me In!” Charitable Deduction
Programs and Corporate Giving Programs
American Eagle Outfitters enables our Associates to make a difference in our com-
munities by offering two programs that you can contribute to: AEO Foundation
“Count Me In!” Charitable Deduction Program and the “Helping Hands Fund.”
• AEO Foundation “Count Me In!” Charitable Deduction Program: The AEO
Foundation funds charities that support youth empowerment and education,
environmental conservation, and young women’s health. To participate, you
can elect to withhold a minimum of $1 per pay period ($26 annually) from
your paycheck. All contributions made to the AEO Foundation “Count Me In!”
Charitable Deduction Program are tax deductible.
• Helping Hands Fund: This fund assists AEO Associates in need when they
experience a personal tragedy such as a house fire, a medical emergency,
or the death of a loved one. To participate, you can elect to withhold a
minimum of $1 per pay period from your paycheck. Donations to the
Helping Hands Fund are not eligible for a tax deduction.
Giving back is an important part of AEO’s culture! With your help,
we can have an even greater impact on our communities and on
the organizations you support.
Matching Gifts
When you give to causes you care about, AEO will now match up to $1,000
annually to qualified non-profit organizations on behalf of each Full-Time Associate!
It’s as easy as forwarding your online donation receipt to
($50 minimum gift).
Volunteer Recognition
If you dedicate 25 hours or more to your favorite non-profit over the course of the BALANCE
year, AEO will recognize your service with a $500 donation to the organization.
Team of Ten
AEO supports Associates who take the time to volunteer as a group outside of
work hours. If 10 or more Associates participate in a volunteer activity support-
ing a charitable cause, AEO will donate $500 to the qualifying non-profit. If
20 or more Associates participate in a volunteer activity, AEO will now donate
$1,000 on behalf of the team.
Hover over “Your Life” in the browser of your homepage on Benefitfocus and
click on “AEO Foundation and Charitable Giving” to view Program guidelines
and retrieve program applications.
Do you have a question, an idea, or a new way to give back? Email Abby
Vanim at for more information on how you can help support
organizations in your community.