Page 51 - 2022 AEO Benefit Guide
P. 51
Leaves of Absence HOW DO
If you believe that you may need more than a few days away from work because of a I KNOW
medical, personal or military leave, please notify your supervisor immediately. Then call
the Benefits Department and we will explain your options. Available leave options are IF I NEED
outlined below.
New Dependent Leave SHORT TERM
If you are eligible and have exhausted all 12 weeks of FMLA, you can request an
extension of your leave to spend more time at home with your newborn or adopt- DISABILITY?
ed child. The maximum amount of time available will be based on years of service. See page 36 for detailed
If you have over 1 year of service, you will be eligible for up to 4 weeks of New information about short
Dependent Leave. The leave must be taken immediately after the FMLA time expires term and other disability
and must be taken all at once. You can request any number of weeks or days up to options available.
the maximum number of weeks allotted. This leave is unpaid, however you will be
eligible to use available accrued PTO. To request a New Dependent Leave you
must complete a Leave of Absence Form and return it to the Benefits Department a
minimum of seven calendar days prior to the end of your FMLA time. Your request
will be reviewed by your supervisor and the Benefits Department. You will be
notified of the decision before your FMLA time is exhausted.
Parental Leave
While you are on an approved medical leave of absence, you may be eligible
for the additional benefits outlined below:
Parental Leave allows parents a paid period of time off to care for and bond with
their new child. Offering Parental Leave is a way to modernize leaves, and we feel
that fathers and mothers alike deserve a similar level of support when they are
starting a family, regardless of how they define family. Associates with 2 years
of consecutive Full-Time service are eligible for up to 2 weeks of Parental Leave.
Associates with 5 years of consecutive Full-Time service are eligible for up to
4 weeks of Parental Leave. BALANCE
Associates must be considered in good standing at the time of their request and
the beginning of the Parental Leave to be eligible. If you have questions about
eligibility for Parental Leave, please contact a member of HR or the Benefits
Department at 724.779.5678. When a request for Parental Leave is submitted,
the Supervisor and Human Resources will determine whether to grant the leave,
taking into consideration available staffing and the need to ensure ongoing
business support for the Company’s internal and external customers. The approval
of this leave is separate from approval for FMLA leave.