Page 18 - 2022 Clarins Benefit Guide
P. 18


    Regulatory Notices

        However, you must request enrollment within           including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
        30 days after your or your dependents’ other          the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008,
        coverage ends (or after the employer stops            and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
        contributing toward the other coverage).
                                                              Act, as applicable, among others. If you and your
        In addition, if you have a new dependent as result    spouse/domestic partner choose to participate in the
        of marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for        wellness program, you and your eligible
        adoption, you may be able to enroll yourself and      spouse/domestic partner will be asked to complete a
        your dependents. However, you must request            voluntary health risk assessment or "HRA" that asks a
        enrollment within 30 days after the marriage, birth,   series of questions about your health-related activities
        adoption, or placement for adoption.                  and behaviors and whether you have or had certain

                                                              medical conditions (e.g., cancer, diabetes, or heart
        Special enrollment rights also may exist in the       disease). You will also be asked to complete a
        following circumstances:                              biometric screening, which will include tests that your
        •   If you or your dependents experience a loss of    physician deems appropriate as part of your annual
            eligibility for Medicaid or a state Children’s Health   physical (including but not limited to taking of a family
            Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage and you         medical history, height, weight, and blood pressure;
            request enrollment within 60 days after that      checking the eyes, ears, nose, throat, abdominal area,
            coverage ends; or                                 swallowing, appetite, digestion, circulation, and lungs;
        •   If you or your dependents become eligible for a   doing a full blood panel; additional screenings/tests
            state premium assistance subsidy through          such as requested by your physician). You are not
            Medicaid or a state CHIP with respect to coverage   required to complete the HRA or to participate in the
            under this plan and you request enrollment within   blood test or other medical examinations.
            60 days after the determination of eligibility
            for such assistance.
                                                              However, employees (and eligible spouses and
        Note: The 60-day period for requesting enrollment     domestic partners) who choose to participate in the
        applies only in these last two listed circumstances   wellness program will receive an incentive of an
        relating to Medicaid and state CHIP. As described     employee contribution wellness differential for
        above, a 30 day period applies to most special        submitting proof of an annual physical and completing
        enrollments. To request special enrollment or obtain   the Cigna HRA. Although you are not required to.
        more information, contact Frans Saint Louis,          complete the HRA or participate in the biometric
        Benefits Manager at 845-680-6317.                     screening, only employees (and eligible spouses and
                                                              domestic partners) who do so will receive employee
        Notice Regarding Wellness Program                     contribution wellness differential.
        Clarins We Care is a voluntary wellness program
        available to all employees and spouses/domestic       If you are unable to participate in Clarins We Care, you
        partners enrolled in one of the Clarins Cigna Medical  may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation or an
        plans. The program is administered according to       alternative standard. You may request a reasonable
        federal rules permitting employer-sponsored wellness  accommodation or an alternative standard by
        programs that seek to improve employee health or      contacting Frans D. SaintLouis, Benefits Manager at
        prevent disease,                                      845-680-6317.

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