Page 6 - 1800Flowers 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 6

Why Shop for Benefits?

            Your benefits choices should reflect your             Get more bang for your benefits buck.
            personal needs.                                       Just having insurance isn’t enough; you need to have the

                                                                  right types of insurance, and the right amount.
            Only you know the benefits that are right for you
            depending on your own health and well-being, goals for   Through your online benefits marketplace, we’re letting
            the future, and attitudes about risk.
                                                                  you choose the combination of insurance products that’s
            We understand this, so we’ve opted to let you choose   right for you. You can buy what you want and nothing you
            from a broader selection of benefits than you might be   don’t need.
            used to. That way, you get to customize the benefits
            package to meet your needs.                           Rest assured with better financial protection.

                                                                  Benefits are really about having the right financial
               Pretax elections are not subject to federal income,   protection in place to guard against life’s unknowns.
               social security or unemployment taxes, which       And while having the right amount of health insurance is
               increases your take-home pay.                      the foundation of any solid benefits plan, creating your
               •  Amounts deferred under this plan are not        own benefits portfolio can give you the right amount
                  counted as wages when determining your          of financial protection based on your, or your family’s,
                  Social Security benefits. There is a possible   unique situation.
                  reduction in Social Security benefits.          By combining different types of benefits — insurance
               •  Once pretax or after-tax benefits are elected,   products like Life, Disability, Critical Illness, Accident,
                  they cannot be changed until the following      and other types of “specialty benefits” — you can actually
                  Open Enrollment unless there is a Qualifying    get affordable coverage while increasing your level
                  Life Event.                                     of protection.
                                                                  So you can rest easy knowing you and your family are
                                                                  taken care of.

                                                                  Your Costs for Benefits.

                                                                  Electing your benefits is a personal experience. Both the
                                                                  employer and your per paycheck cost for benefits will be
                                                                  displayed in the online marketplace.
                                                                  Benefit costs will vary based on several factors and the
                                                                  marketplace tool will help you calculate these costs.
                                                                  For example, supplemental life insurance and disability
                                                                  insurance premiums will be based on your income,
                                                                  coverage and/or your age.

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