Page 11 - 1800Flowers 2022 Benefits Guide
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Health Savings Account (HSA) Additional Resources through Anthem
Anthem offers resources to help you get the most out of 24/7 Nurseline
your plan and find ways to live a happier, healthier life —
and at no additional cost to you! For more information You can call Anthem’s 24/7 Nurseline for any unexpected
and support, please contact Anthem. health surprises that occur or if you just want to talk with a
registered nurse about any issue you are facing. Anthem’s
Say Hi to Sydney Health nurses can help you:
Anthem’s new app is simple, smart and all about you. • Find providers and specialists
Everything you need to know about your Anthem benefits — • Enroll you in any chronic condition programs
personalized and all in one place. With Sydney Health, you’ll • Provide guidance during health outbreaks
enjoy a simpler, more connected health experience.
• Offer educational resources
• Find care and check costs Call 866-784-2643 to speak to a nurse today!
• See claims
• Check all benefits ConditionCare Health Support
• View and use digital ID cards If you have a condition that puts your health at risk,
• Use the interactive chat feature and get Anthem can give you the help you need. When you join
answers quickly Anthem’s ConditionCare program, your physical and
mental health may improve. It’s easy to sign up. Just call
Get started with Sydney Health; download the app today!
Anthem’s toll-free Member Services number on the back
Telephonic and Virtual Visits Through of your ID card. The program is additional to your health
plan for you and your covered family members.
LiveHealth Online Our health support programs help with:
You can see a doctor whenever, wherever through access • Asthma (pediatric or adult)
to private and secure virtual video visits through Anthem’s
LiveHealth Online program. If you or your family members • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
have a common health condition (such as the flu, sore • Diabetes, types 1 and 2 (pediatric or adult)
throat, pink eye, etc.) a doctor can assess your condition • Arthritis, hip and knee replacement, osteoporosis,
virtually, provide a treatment plan and even send a and more!
prescription to your pharmacy. Costs for telephonic and
With ConditionCare, you’ll get tools and information to
virtual visits are below.
help you manage your condition, as well as:
Telephonic and Virtual Visit Summary* • Around-the-clock phone access to nurse care
Member Cost Shares managers who can answer your questions and help
LiveHealth Online you cope with your condition
General Medical $59
Dermatology Not Covered • A health screening and follow-up calls with health
Behavioral Health (Therapist / Psychologist) $80 / $95 professionals, as needed, to help you reach your
Psychiatry (1st Visit / Ongoing) $175 / $75 health goals
* Telehealth amounts will apply to the plan deductible. Once the plan Anthem may call to find out if ConditionCare can help you
deductible is met, coinsurance will apply.
and ask you to sign up. Please take their call!