Page 12 - 1800Flowers 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 12

Prescription Drug Plan

            The prescription drug program is managed through CVS Caremark.
                                                                            Pharmacy Advisor Counseling
            While you can choose to fill prescriptions at any in-network pharmacy,   If you fill a prescription at CVS for one
            as a member of the CVS Caremark program, you will have access to:   of the following conditions, you may be

            •  20% off CVS brand pharmacy products                          eligible for counseling with a pharmacist.
                                                                            We encourage you to talk to your
            •  Fill a 90-day supply of a maintenance medication at a
               CVS pharmacy                                                 pharmacist to help you understand your
                                                                            treatment plan and effects of certain
            Certain preventive care prescription drugs, as designated by the   medications. Conditions include:
            Affordable Care Act (ACA), are covered at 100% by the plan at no cost   •  Diabetes   •  Osteoporosis
            to you, the member. The plan also covers additional preventive care
            prescription drugs outside of the ACA designation. These prescriptions   •  Asthma   •  Depression
            bypass the medical plan deductible and are only subject to the   •  Heart Disease  •  Certain cancers
            coinsurance and out-of-pocket maximum.
            Maintenance Prescriptions:

            You can fill maintenance prescriptions at a retail pharmacy or through mail order. However, after two 30-day fills at a retail
            pharmacy for the same maintenance medication, you should use either a retail CVS pharmacy or the CVS Caremark Mail
            Order. Otherwise you will pay an additional cost equal to 2.5 times the retail cost share of the prescription.
            Don’t forget — you can fill a 90-day supply of a maintenance medication at a CVS pharmacy.

            You will be able to search for in-network pharmacies and view a prescription formulary list on the benefits marketplace.

              Additional Requirements for Some Prescription Drugs

                1       Certain medications require prior authorization by CVS Caremark.

                        Some drugs require step therapy. This means that if you are prescribed a brand-name medication,
                2       you might be required to first try a generic medication or other therapy before the plan will cover
                        the brand-name medication.

                        Generic vs. Brand-Name Drugs — “Dispensed as Written (DAW)”
                        If you or your health care provider request a brand-name drug at your pharmacy, you are responsible
                        for the difference in cost between the generic drug and the brand-name drug, in addition to the generic
                        copay. Note that extra charges for DAW don’t apply to your deductible or annual out-of-pocket maximum.

                        We encourage you to discuss generic use with your provider in advance of the prescription being written
                        in order to avoid extra charges or additional visits to your physician/provider.

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