Page 5 - 2022 Insurity OE Guide FINAL
P. 5

Qualifying Life Events (QLE)

        Generally, you may only change your benefit elections during the annual Open Enrollment period. However, you may
        change your benefit elections during the year if you experience a Qualifying Life Event such as:

                                                         Action Allowed
         Qualifying Life Event Examples                                               Documentation Needed
                                                   (when eligibility criteria met)
                                                                                 •  Copy of marriage certificate
         Marriage or Divorce                     •  If not currently enrolled:   •  Copy of divorce decree or other
                                                        – Add employee only        court document
                                                        – Add employee/spouse
         Death of a Spouse or Child                     – Add employee/child(ren)  •  Copy of death certificate
                                                        – Add employee/spouse/child(ren)
                                                                                 •  Copy of birth certificate or copy of
         Birth or Adoption of a Child            •  If already enrolled: Increase or decrease
                                                   EE/SP/CH volume                 legal adoption papers
         The Employee’s spouse’s termination of employment   Note: Employee must be enrolled for a
         or a change in his or her spouse’s employment that   dependent to be enrolled.  •  COBRA paperwork or letter
         results in the loss or gain of group coverage                             from employer

        These are some common examples of Qualifying Life Events. Please refer to SPD for further information.

        You have 31 days to submit your documentation and Life Event elections in UKG.
        If you do not submit your Life Event elections within 31 days of the qualified event date, you will have to wait until the next
        Open Enrollment period to make changes (unless you experience another Qualifying Life Event).

          When You Experience a Qualifying Life Event

          If you recently experienced a QLE, remember to complete the following to make sure you have the right coverage for
          you and your family:
          O   Submit your QLE benefit elections or changes in UKG by going to Myself > Benefits > Manage My Benefits.
              Be sure to do this within 31 days of the event effective date.
          O   Submit the appropriate documentation in UKG – see the chart above for details.

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