Page 17 - OpenX 2022 Book of Benefits
P. 17

Medical Plan Comparison:
        See how the plans break down:

                                       AETNA CDHP                     AETNA                 AETNA          KAISER
                                          W/HSA                         PPO                  HMO            HMO

                                   In             Out of      In             Out of       In               Out of
      Medical Plan Provisions
                                   Network        Network     Network        Network      Network          Network
                                   $2,500/        $2,500/
      Annual Deductible                                       $500/          $500/
                                   $2,800/        $2,800/                                 $0/$0            $0/$0
      (Individual/Family)                                     $1,000         $1,000
                                   $5,000         $5,000
                                   $4,000/        $8,000/
      Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                   $3,000/        $6,000/       $2,000/         $1,500/
                                   $4,000/        $8,000/
      (Includes Deductible)                                   $6,000         $12,000       $4,000          $3,000
                                   $8,000         $16,000
                                   Covered                    Covered                      Covered         Covered
      Preventive Care                             30%                        40%
                                   at 100%                    at 100%                      at 100%         at 100%
                                   AMOUNT YOU PAY AFTER DEDUCTIBLE

                                                              $20 copay
      Primary Care Provider        10% after      30% after                  40% after
                                                              (deductible                 $20 copay        $20 co-pay
      Office Visit                 deductible     deductible                 deductible
                                                              $25 copay
                                   10% after      30% after                  40% after
      Specialist Office Visit                                 (deductible                 $30 copay        $35 co-pay
                                   deductible     deductible                 deductible
                                                  Teladoc:                   Teladoc:
                                   Teladoc: Up                Teladoc: Up
      Telemedicine                                Up to $47                  Up to $47     $30 Copay       No Charge
                                   to $47 copay               to $47 copay
                                                  copay                      copay
                                                                                           No Charge
                                   10% after      30% after   20% after      40% after     (Complex
      X-Ray and Lab                                                                                        No charge
                                   deductible     deductible  deductible     deductible    Labs; $100
                                   10% after      30% after   20% after      40% after                     $500 per
      Inpatient Hospital Services                                                          $500 per admit
                                   deductible     deductible  deductible     deductible                    admit
                                   10% after      30% after   20% after      40% after                     $100 per
      Outpatient Hospital Services                                                         $200 per visit
                                   deductible     deductible  deductible     deductible                    procedure
                                                              $35 copay
                                   10% after      30% after                  40% after
      Urgent Care                                             (deductible                  $35 co-pay      $20 co-pay
                                   deductible     deductible                 deductible
      Acupuncture                  10% after      30% after
                                                              $25 copay                    $15 copay       Not Covered
      (20 visits per year)         deductible     deductible
                                   10% after      30% after                  40% after                     $15 copay;
                                                              $25 copay;                   $15 copay; 20
      Chiropractic                 deductible;    deductible;                deductible;                   20 annual
                                                              20 visits                    annual visits
                                   20 visits      20 visits                  20 visits                     visits

                                                              $250 copay + 20%
      Emergency Room               10% after deductible                                    $150 copay      $100 copay
                                                              (deductible waived)

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