Page 12 - OpenX 2022 Book of Benefits
P. 12

Understand how your plan works:

            KAISER / AETNA                                                     AETNA

            HMO                                  PPO                                  CDHP + HSA

            Health Maintenance Organization.     Preferred Provider Organization.     Consumer Driven Health Plan +
                                                                                      Health Savings Account.
            Limited to Southern California       Available to all employees.          Available to all employees.
            employees only.

            You are assigned a primary care      You have the choice of provider      You have the choice of provider
            physician (PCP).                     and can go in or out of network.     and can go in or out of network.

            PCP conveniently coordinates         In-network care will always be       Includes tools to shop
            all of your care through required    cheaper.                             for providers and price
            referrals.                                                                out covered services and
            In-network plan only; you are        Copay model, deductible required     Deductible plan, once
            responsible for costs if you go      for both in- and out-of-network      deductible is met coinsurance
            outside of the network.              doctors.                             applies until out-of-pocket
                                                                                      max is reached.

            Copay model, no deductible.          Coinsurance applies for some         Comes with HSA and works
                                                 covered services.                    with LPFSA*.
            Works with an FSA.                   Works with an FSA.                   Company contribution to HSA
                                                                                      – OpenX puts free money into
                                                                                      HSA for employees to spend.

            *Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Arrangement.

            Understanding the difference between plans

            You have three plan options from two providers to choose from. Kaiser provides an HMO to Southern
            California employees, while Aetna provides an HMO to select zip codes, and a PPO and CDHP + HSA
            option to all employees, no matter where you reside in the US. Regardless of the plan you choose,
            when you enroll for medical coverage, you automatically receive prescription coverage through
            either Kaiser or Aetna’s CVS Pharmacy.

            The HMO

            An HMO, or a Health Maintenance Organization, is a medical insurance group that provides health
            services for a fixed-rate fee. An HMO plan requires you and enrolled dependents to select a Primary
            Care Physician (PCP) who will direct the majority of your healthcare needs. If you do not have a

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