Page 8 - OpenX 2022 Book of Benefits
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            If you work at least 30 hours a week, you’re eligible for OpenX benefits. Most benefits are effective on
            your date of hire, as long as you enroll within 30 days.

            And the benefits are not just for you. The following dependents are also eligible:
               » Your legal spouse

               » Your domestic partner

               »  Your children up to age 26 (including stepchildren, adopted children and your domestic
                partner’s children)

            Please note: When enrolling a domestic partner in coverage, a portion of premiums for medical,
            dental and vision coverage for your domestic partner and/or your domestic partner’s children
            will be deducted from your paycheck on an after-tax basis. In addition, the premium amount that
            OpenX pays for their coverage is considered imputed income. Please consult a tax professional to
            see how this situation will impact you.

            Initial Enrollment
            You are eligible for benefits on day one of being a full-time employee. For most new employees, that
            day will be your hire date or full-time conversion date. You must enroll within 30 days of your initial
            eligibility date. If you do not enroll within those 30 days, you will not be able to enroll in core benefits
            (medical, dental, vision, spending accounts) until the next open enrollment period or unless you
            experience a qualifying life event as defined by the IRS.

            The elections you make during your initial eligibility window generally remain in effect through the
            plan year, which ends on December 31. Coverage starts on your eligibility date, regardless of when
            you enroll, and contributions for medical, dental and vision begin on the first of the month on or after
            your eligibility date.

            Open Enrollment
            Open enrollment is your once-a-year opportunity to enroll or make changes to your existing
            benefits. Your choices will be effective from January 1 through December 31 of the following year or
            until such time as you are no longer eligible, if sooner.

            Qualifying Life Events

            Generally, you may only make or change your existing benefit elections either as a new hire or
            during the annual open enrollment period. However, there are qualifying events that can may make
            you eligible outside of this period, including:

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