Page 24 - OpenX 2022 Book of Benefits
P. 24

SEE HOW THEY COMPARE                    HSA                           FSA

                                                                               FSA and LPFSA: Yes
         Will I get a debit card?                YES
                                                                               DCFSA: No

                                                 Yes, this is your money to    Option to continue Healthcare or
         Do I keep the money if I leave
                                                 be used on qualified health   Limited Purpose FSA only through
                                                 expenses.                     COBRA.

         Can I also have a Flexible Spending     Limited Purpose and
         Account (FSA)?                          Dependent Care FSAs only.

        Flexible Spending Accounts

        A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) helps you pay for healthcare and dependent care  costs using tax-
        free dollars. Your contribution is deducted from your paycheck on a pretax basis and is put into the FSA to
        pay for expenses when you  use your FSA debit card or reimburse yourself for out-of-pocket purchases.
        When you incur expenses, you can access the funds in your account to pay for eligible expenses. You can
        participate in the Healthcare FSA, even if you don’t enroll in our medical or dental plan.

        This chart shows the eligible expenses for each FSA and how much you can contribute each year. Each of
        these options reduces your taxable income. You can be reimbursed up to the full amount of your annual
        Healthcare FSA contribution at any time during the year.

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