Page 25 - OpenX 2022 Book of Benefits
P. 25


                                                                         Maximum contribution is $2,750 per year.
                                  Most medical, dental and vision care
                                  expenses that are not covered by       You cannot enroll if you are enrolled in the
         Health Care FSA          your health plan (e.g., copayments,    CDHP+HSA Plan.
                                  coinsurance, deductibles,
                                                                         Funds are deducted throughout the year,
                                  eyeglasses and prescriptions).
                                                                         but all funds are available on January 1.

                                  Dental and vision expenses that are    Maximum contribution is $2,750 per year.
                                  not covered by your health plan
                                                                         This is available to those enrolled in the
                                  (e.g., copayments, coinsurance,
         Limited Purpose FSA                                             CDHP plan with an HSA.
                                  deductibles, eyeglasses, contact
                                  lenses and lens solution, dental       Funds are deducted throughout the year,
                                  cleanings and fillings).               but all funds are available on January 1.

                                                                         Maximum contribution is $5,000 per year
                                  Dependent care expenses (e.g.,  day    ($2,500 if married and filing separate tax
                                  care, after-school programs and        returns). This is available to all employees
                                  elder care programs) for children      with qualifying dependents, regardless of
         Dependent Care FSA                                              medical plan enrollment.
                                  under age 13 or elder care so you
                                  and your spouse can work or attend     Funds are deducted throughout the year
                                  school full time.                      and must be in the account for you to
                                                                         reimburse yourself.

        Important information about FSAs
        Your FSA elections are effective from January 1 through December 31. Claims for reimbursement must
        be submitted by March 31 of the following year. This is known as the grace period. Our Healthcare and
        Limited-Purpose FSAs allow you to carry over to the following year up to $550 in unused funds.

        Please plan your contributions carefully. Any unused money over $550 that remains in your HCFSA or LPFSA
        and any amount in your DCFSA  account(s) will be forfeited after the grace period. This is known as the
        “use it or lose it” rule, and it is governed by Internal Revenue Service regulations. Note that FSA elections do
        not automatically continue from year to year: you must actively enroll each year.

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