Page 19 - TriStar Energy-2023-Benefit Guide-V26(WLP)-LRI
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Voluntary Plans (continued)
Legal Plan Identity Theft Protection
The legal plan through MetLife provides legal representation Protecting your personal information has become a major
for you, your spouse, and your dependents at a price that concern. Identity theft coverage through ID Watchdog
won’t break your budget. You can receive legal advice and is designed to protect your identity and assets through
fully covered legal services for a wide range of personal identity, credit and social media monitoring.
legal matters from a network-participating plan attorney.
Services provided through the plan include: ID Watchdog monitors the Dark Web for your personal
• Court appearances information, scanning websites, chat rooms, and other
forums known for trafficking stolen personal and financial
• Document review and preparation information. They check the USPS National Change of
• Debt collection defense Address Registry to help you detect the rerouting of your
• Will preparation mail to a new address in case it was done without your
• Family law knowledge. Credit monitoring from ID Watchdog helps
• Real estate matters keep you informed. They also alert you if there are key
changes to your credit report(s) and activities to your bank
When you use a plan attorney for covered services, accounts and credit cards, which, if unexpected, could be
there is no waiting period, limits on usage, deductibles or a sign of potential fraud.
copays. The plan is available at a low monthly group rate,
which you can pay through automatic payroll deductions. This plan is available at a low monthly group rate, which you
can pay through automatic payroll deductions.
Financial, Legal and Estate Support
We know financial and legal challenges can be very Pet Insurance
stressful for you and your family. That’s why New York Life You can purchase health insurance, administered by
Group Benefit Solutions provides our Financial, Legal and MetLife, for your dog, cat, bird or other animals. Like a
Estate Support program to help you navigate these issues, regular health insurance plan, a pet insurance policy
at no additional cost. Leaving you with fewer worries. can help you plan for your pet’s health care – and offset
Services include: costs for routine care and unexpected illness or injury.
• FinancialConnect®: With FinancialConnect you and Your premium is based on your pet’s species, age,
the benefits coverage you select and where you live.
your family members have unlimited access to a team of For more information, a quote or to enroll, visit
qualified experts including Certified Public Accountants or call 800-GET-MET8.
other financial professionals to help guide you.
• LegalConnect®: This program gives you access to Auto and Home Insurance
unlimited phone consultations with a staff of attorneys Farmers auto and home insurance is designed to help
who can provide guidance on issues such as divorce, you protect your home and automobile for affordable
adoption, estate planning, real estate, and identity theft. group rates.
• EstateGuidance®: This user-friendly online tool allows In addition to auto and homeowner’s insurance, they offer
you and your family members to write a last will and a variety of other policies including:
testament, a living will and documents outlining your
wishes for final arrangements quickly, easily and cost • Renters/Condo
effectively. • Personal excess liability
For more information, contact Financial, Legal and • Boat
Estate Support 24/7 at 800-344-9752 or visit • Motorcycle
guidance (Web ID: NYLGBS). • RV
• Personal property
For more information, a quote or to enroll, call 866-968-0270
and mention you are an employee of Tri Star Energy.