Page 17 - TriStar Energy-2023-Benefit Guide-V26(WLP)-LRI
P. 17

Life Insurance and Disability

        Basic Life and AD&D Insurance
        •  Life insurance is an important part of your financial    Protect your loved ones
          wellbeing, especially if others depend on you for support.  •  Affordable supplemental coverage –
        •  Tri Star Energy provides basic life and accidental death   Take advantage of the group rates offered
          and dismemberment insurance through NY Life to all          to get the best deal on your coverage.
          eligible associates at no cost as shown below:              Investing in insurance give you peace of
          •  VP and above: $100,000                                   mind and the financial protection for yourself
          •  Directors: $75,000                                       and your loved ones.
          •  All full-time Managers and Administration: $40,000     •  Be sure to designate your beneficiary –
          •  All full-time Active Guest Service Representatives,      You must choose a beneficiary for life and
            Hosts and Baristas: $15,000                               AD&D insurance. Keep your beneficiaries
                                                                      up-to-date in Paylocity.
        •  Coverage is automatic; you do not need to enroll.

        Voluntary Life and AD&D Insurance
        •  You may choose to purchase additional life and       Disability Insurance
          AD&D coverage through NY Life for yourself and your   Disability insurance through NY Life provides income
          dependents at affordable group rates.                 replacement should you become disabled and unable
        •  Rates are based on age and the coverage level chosen.  to work due to a non-work-related illness or injury.
                                                                Tri Star Energy offers eligible associates with disability
                                                                coverage as shown below.
              Voluntary Life and AD&D Insurance for you

         Team Member                                              Coverage                   Benefit
         •  Increments of $10,000
         •  Up to a $500,000 maximum                              Voluntary   •  Choice of 40% or 60% of your weekly salary,
                                                                               to a maximum of $1,000 per week for the
         •  Guaranteed issue up to $200,000                       Disability*  first 90-days of a disability after the 14 day
                                                                               waiting period.
                  Voluntary Life and AD&D Insurance
                         for your dependents                      Long-Term   •  60% of your base salary, to a maximum of
                                                                  Disability   $10,000 per month if you are disabled and
         Spouse                    Child(ren)                     Employer     are unable to work for more than 90 days.
         •  Increments of $10,000    •  $5,000 or $10,000         Paid       •  Benefits are offset with other sources
           (not to exceed 100% of    (Max $10,000) per child                   of income, such as Social Security and
           your voluntary life and   •  Birth to 6 months $500;                Workers’ Compensation.
           AD&D coverage)            6 months to age 26
         •  Maximum of 100% of       $5,000 or $10,000          *PRE-EXISTING CONDITION EXCLUSION
                                                                A pre-existing condition means any injury or sickness for which you received
           Team Member’s           •  Guaranteed issue up to    medical treatment, advice or consultation, care or services, including diagnostic
           Approved Amount           $10,000                    measures, or had drugs or medicines prescribed or taken in the three months
         •  Guaranteed issue up to                              prior to the day you become insured under the Policy.
           $50,000                                              NY Life will not provide benefits for any disability caused by, attributable to,
                                                                or resulting from a pre-existing condition which begins in the first 12 months after
                                                                you are continuously insured under the policy.
        Age Reduction applies to basic and voluntary insurance. Please contact the
        Benefit Department for the Age reduction Schedule.      Example: Anyone that will be newly electing short-term disability, NY Life will look
                                                                back for three months prior to the day you became insured under the policy to see
                                                                if you had any conditions in the prior three months. If those conditions are present
                                                                or shown they will not provide short-term disability benefits for that condition for
                                                                12 months.

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