Page 13 - TriStar Energy-2023-Benefit Guide-V26(WLP)-LRI
P. 13

Health Savings Account

        A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a savings account that belongs to you that is paired with the
        CDHP. It allows you to make tax-free contributions that you can use to pay for current and future
        medical expenses for you and your dependents.

                 START IT                   BUILD IT                    USE IT                   GROW IT

          •  Contributions to an HSA are   •  All of the money in your   •  You can withdraw your   •  Unused money in your HSA
            tax-free for you – whether   HSA is yours (including any   money tax-free at any   will roll over, earn interest
            they come from you or the   contributions deposited by   time, as long as you use   and grow tax-free over time.
            company. Tri Star Energy   the company) even if you   it for qualified expenses   •  You decide how to use
            contributes $200 for       leave your job, change     (a list can be found on    the HSA money, including
            individual coverage        plans or retire.               whether to save it or spend
            and $400 for family.     •  In 2023, the total of your   •  You can also save this   it for eligible expenses
            Amount will be prorated    contributions and the      money and hold onto it     When your balance is large
            based on new hire date.    company’s can be up        for future eligible health   enough, you can invest it –
          •  As you contribute to your   to $3,850 for individual   care expenses.           tax-free.
            Health Savings Account     coverage and $7,750 for
            through per paycheck       family coverage. If you are
            deductions, the company    age 55 or older, you can
            will match up to an additional   contribute an additional
            $400 for individual coverage   $1,000 per year.
            and $800 for dependent
            coverage. The amount will
            be contributed on a
            per-paycheck basis.
          •  The CDHP costs less than
            other plans so the money
            you save on premiums
            can be put into your HSA.
            This helps you save money
            on taxes and gives you more
            flexibility and control over
            your health care dollars.

           Eligibility details
           •  You are not allowed to be enrolled in any other health coverage, and cannot have an HSA if you are enrolled in
             Medicare, or claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.
           •  You cannot participate in the Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) if you have an HSA. Your spouse also
             cannot have a Health Care FSA.

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