Page 10 - TriStar Energy-2023-Benefit Guide-V26(WLP)-LRI
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Medical Plan Resources (continued)
Cigna One Guide Cigna Easy Choice Tool
Ready to answer all your health plan questions. And so much Need help deciding on your medical benefits?
more. Let’s face it, understanding and using your health plan Tri Star Energy has partnered with Cigna to help you
isn’t always easy. Well, not to worry. Your Cigna One Guide® decide what medical plan is right for you. Using Cigna
team is ready and waiting to help. It’s our highest level of Easy Choice Tool, you can answer some questions and
personal support available. Simply call us, click-to-chat on the decision support tool will provide you with plan or use the myCigna® app. You’ll automatically choices, which you can compare and review.
be connected with a One Guide representative who will help
guide you where you need to go. Helping you save money. Use the access code provided by your Tri Star Energy to
And stay healthy. Your Cigna One Guide team can help you: log in at:
Understand your plan What if I don’t have all the information on the checklist
• Learn how your coverage works during the decision-making process?
• Get answers to your health care or plan questions If you need to leave the tool and return later, the tool
provides you with a reference number of your visit.
Save and Earn The tool can email your reference number to you, so that
• Get cost estimates to avoid surprises you have a record of it. Use this reference number to log
• Earn Incentives back in and continue the decision-making process.
Get care Can I go back and change my answers to the questions
• Find an in-network health care provider, lab or urgent while in the tool?
care center Yes, you can make changes or review your responses
• Connect with health coaches, pharmacists and more while you’re using the decision support tool.
• Connect with dedicated, one-on-one support for
complex health situations
What happens after I have completed the
Click, Call or Chat. Your personal guide is ready and decision-making process?
waiting to help. Visit, download the myCigna After you click Complete, you can either save or email a
app or call 800-Cigna24. PDF of your selections or print your selections for reference
during your company’s Open Enrollment process.