Page 11 - TriStar Energy-2023-Benefit Guide-V26(WLP)-LRI
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MotivateMe Program
Tri Star Energy wants to help you get and stay healthy. The rest is up to you
So, when you get involved in wellness goals, you can For more information or help setting up your account,
easily earn rewards for participating in a variety of visit You can also find information by
activities. For example: downloading the myCigna Mobile App for your
• Health assessment mobile device.*
• Annual preventive exams
Incentive awards may be subject to tax, and you are
Getting started is easy! Visit and select responsible for any applicable taxes. Please consult with
Incentive Awards Program to: your personal tax advisor for assistance.
• Find detailed instructions on how to get started. *The downloading and use of the myCigna Mobile App is subject to the terms
• View a list of eligible goals and matching rewards. and conditions of the App and the online stores from which it is downloaded.
Standard mobile phone carrier and data usage charges apply.
• Check and track your completed goals and
earned rewards.
Reasonable alternatives may be available for
certain activities.