Page 20 - TriStar Energy-2023-Benefit Guide-V26(WLP)-LRI
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Additional Benefits
Employee Assistance Program Tuition Reimbursement
Life is filled with change and uncertainty. The responsibilities Tri Star Energy supports team members who wish to
and demands on our time can be overwhelming. It happens continue their education to secure increased responsibility
to all of us. Whenever you or your immediate family and growth within their professional careers. In keeping
members need help dealing with life’s challenges, with this philosophy, the company has established a
our Employee Assistance Program, administered by reimbursement program for expenses incurred through
Freckman and Associates, is here to help. approved institutions of learning.
The EAP provides 24/7 confidential support, resources and Eligibility requirements:
information for you and your dependents. Services include: • Full-time regular team members with six months of service
• Legal services: Consultations for issues relating to civil, • Company will reimburse up to a maximum of $2,500 per
consumer, personal and family law, financial matters, year incurred by an eligible team member for continuing
business law, real estate, estate planning and more. education through an accredited program. This can
• Financial services: Budgeting, credit and financial include college credit courses, continuing education unit
guidance, retirement planning and assistance with courses, seminars and certification tests.
tax issues. • You must secure a passing grade of “B” or its equivalent,
• Childcare and eldercare assistance: Needs assessment a “P” on a Pass/Fail scale or obtain a certification to
along with referrals to childcare and eldercare providers. receive any reimbursement.
• Identity theft recovery services: Information on identity • Expenses must be validated by receipts, and a copy of
theft prevention, an identity theft emergency response the final grade card or certification must be presented to
kit and help if you are victimized. show hours or certification received.
• Daily living services: Referrals to help with event • Reimbursement is for tuition only and books and other
planning, transportation services, pet services and more. expenses are not included.
Confidential assistance is available any time by calling Contact your Manager or the HR Department for
800-331-3226 or logging on to more details.