Page 16 - 2022 SoFi - August Open Enrollment
P. 16

Plan Year Information                                How do I make contributions?
               ƒ  The HSA Plan Year begins January 1 through     Contributions can be made:
               December 31.                                         ƒ  Pre-Tax Contributions: Employees will make this

            SoFi Contribution                                        election in Workday. Instructions are available in
               ƒ  $30.77 per pay period for employee only coverage.  the Workday Benefits Mall.
               ƒ  $61.54 per pay period if you enroll one or        ƒ  After-Tax Contributions: Online at
               more dependents.                                      by making a tax-deductible contribution from
               ƒ  Contributions will be posted to your               your personal checking account. Deposits outside
               account biweekly.                                     of payroll that exceed the IRS annual maximum
               ƒ  The HSA contribution amount is prorated and        will result in potential loss of SoFi contributions.
               adjusted based on the number of pay periods           Total contributions to your HSA account cannot
               left in the plan year which runs from January 1       exceed the annual IRS limits.
               to December 31.                                   Cigna Choice Fund with WealthCare Saver — SoFi’s HSA
            How much can I contribute to a Health                   ƒ  Employee payroll and SoFi contributions will be
            Savings Account?                                         effective first of the month following date of hire

               ƒ  You can elect up to the 2022 calendar year         and will be sent to Cigna Choice Fund HSA.
               maximum, as set by the IRS, of $3,650 for individuals     ƒ  Once WealthCare Saver has established an account
               and $7,300 for families. All contributions include:   for you, you will receive a Welcome Kit and Debit
                                                                     card for your new Cigna Choice Fund HSA.
                  ƒ  SoFi contributions
                  ƒ  Contributions under a prior HSA plan        Paying with your HSA money is easy.
                  ƒ  Your contributions you elect to make under     ƒ  Use your debit card to pay at the pharmacy,
                   the SoFi plan                                     doctor’s office or elsewhere. You can also order
                  ƒ  Spouse’s/domestic partner’s contributions       extra cards for covered family members.
                   if you are enrolled in family coverage with      ƒ  Pay your bills for qualified medical expenses
                   SoFi as well as family coverage under your        online at
                   spouse’s/domestic partner’s plan                 ƒ  Pay out of pocket and reimburse yourself. You can do

               ƒ  Please contact your tax professional for           that online or by withdrawing money with your debit
               specific questions.                                   card from any ATM with the MasterCard  logo.
               ƒ  People over the age of 55 can make additional
               “catch-up” contributions of $1,000.

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