Mid Valley Times 2-27-20 E-edition
P. 1

Thursday, February 27, 2020
Vol. 1, No. 35
An emotional milestone
50 cents
By Jon Earnest
Mid Valley Times
A presidential primary, one state proposition, congressio- nal and state assembly races along with four local tax or bond measures will be voted on next week (or already vot- ed on) by eligible voters resid- ing in the Mid Valley Times coverage area.
For the first time, the Cali- fornia presidential primary has been moved up to March, with Election Day set for Tuesday, March 3. The state's presidential primary tradi- tionally has been in June.
All regional casting a ballot will be able to vote on the lone state proposition in the prima- ry election — Proposition 13. The measure has nothing to do with the famed 1978 Proposi- tion 13 that froze property tax rates and capped future in- creases for homeowners who remained in their residences.
This present Prop 13 autho- rizes bonds for facility repair, construction and moderniza- tion at public preschools, K-12 schools, community colleges and universities. It would authorize $15 billion in state general obligation bonds for new construction and mod- ernization of public education facilities.
As written, the measure's fiscal impact would increase state costs to repay the bonds by an estimated $740 million per year — including inter-
See ELECTIONonpageA6
Javier Bejar is honored by law enforcement a decade after fatal Minkler shooting
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
On the 10-year anniver- sary of their tragic deaths, more than 100 community members and first respond- ers attended the flag lowering ceremony to honor the lives of Reedley Cpl. Javier Bejar and Fresno County Sheriff’s Deputy, Joel Wahlenmaier in downtown Reedley on the morning of Feb. 25.
“Today we gather to honor the memory of men and wom- en from across law enforce- ment who dedicated their lives to protecting our na- tion,” said Joe Garza, police chief for the city of Reedley. “This is why we gather today,
See BEJARonpageA12
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
A Reedley police special unit, left, performed a flag lowering ceremony while onlookers at right ob- served during the Feb. 25 ceremony. This year's event marked the 10-year anniversary of the fatal shootings ofReedleypoliceCpl.JavierBejarandFresnoCountySheriff'sDeputyJoelWahlenmaier.
Sanger Fire lends a hand in wake of tragedy
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
From left, Craig Pitts, engineer, Andy Jones a captain, and Brian Puga, a firefighter, were among the Sanger Fire crews assembled for station coverage in Porterville on Feb. 22.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The mood inside Porterville’s Fire Station 3 was solemn on the the afternoon of Feb. 22, as several out-of-the-area depart- ments — including the Sanger Fire Department — provided coverage for the city following a devastating fire at the town’s library four days earlier.
The Feb. 18 fire claimed the lives of two Porterville City fire personnel, Capt. Ray Figueroa, and firefighter Patrick Jones.
“We are in someone else’s house, they are going through a tragedy,” said Andy Jones, a captain with Sanger Fire. “It’s a strange feeling to be here.”
Jones said covering in a city where they are not familiar with the streets or intersections can be a challenge, but nonetheless, they wanted to show their support for their fallen brothers.
“This is definitely somber for us,” he said. “But we are doing this for the right reasons.”
See PORTERVILLE on page A6
Provides coverage for Porterville following deadly library fire
Cutler-Orosi sports complex beginning to take shape
Bulk of 31-acre facility expected to be ready in June
By George M. Villagrana
Mid Valley Times
A year-and-a half ago, the Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District unveiled a state-of-the art stadium at Orosi High School, ushering in a new chapter of OHS athletics.
The district followed with plans of a new community recreation area last Feb- ruary with a ground-breaking ceremony of a new sports complex. The 31-acre sports complex is located on the northeast corner of Avenue 419 and 128 adjacent to El Monte Middle School and across from Orosi High. The complex will feature two fields for baseball and softball as well as six soccer fields, two basketball courts, concession stands, restrooms, parking lots and a walking path.
COJUSD Superintendent, Yolanda Val- dez, said a majority of the complex will be ready to meet the June deadline.
“The only thing that will not be com- pleted are the JV baseball and softball fields. That will be until the following June,” she said.
Valdez added that the varsity softball field located at the Orosi High school will be used for classroom space.
Valdez said community feedback played a vital role in shaping the com- plex. The complex will have a youth foot- ball field with a snack bar and parking that will take pressure off the main field at Orosi High School.
“All of this came from community feedback,” she said. “Our goal was to ad-
See COMPLEX on page A12
George M. Villagrana / Mid Valley Times
Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District Superintendent Yolanda Valdez stood in front of the site for the district's new 31-acre sports complex.
Classifieds - B3 Directory - B4 Legals - B5-9 Sports - B1-2, B10 Lifestyle - A7-9 Lights & Sirens - A3 Obituaries - A2-3 Opinion - A4

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