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               9.1 Conduct and Appearance at the Workplace

               This  section  shall  contain  policies  towards  regulating  smoking,  misconducts,
               disciplinary actions, respect due to individual privacy, dress code and others.

               9.2 No Smoking policy

               Objective:    To maintain a clean air and healthy environment at the workplace
               Policy:        Smoking is prohibited within the office premises, storerooms, across
                              locations. Use of electronic cigarettes in the company premises is
                              likewise not permitted.

               9.3 Misconducts

               The Company reserves the right to suspend a staff member from duty with or
               without pay while an investigation on an alleged offense is made, or to take

               disciplinary action up to dismissal from employment when staff members are
               found guilty of misconduct including but not limited to:

               1.  Commitment  of  criminal  acts  whether  connected  or  not  with  their

               2.  Dishonesty  in  any  form,  including  falsification  of  any  records,  reports,  and
               specimens, clocking in or out for another staff member and supplying false or

               misleading information during employment.

               3.  Refusal  to  obey  a  reasonable  and  lawful  instruction  to  perform  work  as

               4.  Negligence, carelessness which could result in loss, damage or destruction of
               the Company’s property, business, or reputation.

               5.  Revealing confidential information regarding customers, staff members or the
               Company and its business.

               6.  Failure to observe a disciplinary rule and failure to comply with the Company’s
               rules and regulations.

               7.  Assaulting or quarrelling, fighting or threatening fellow staff members or any

               other person having a business relation in the Company premises.

               8.  Drunkenness, alcohol, and drug intake whilst at work.
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