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                      We  would  like  to  express  our  gratitude  to  the  presence  of  God

               Almighty  for  all  His  mercy  and  grace  so  that  the  book  “Modul  Ajar
               Recount Text Kelas 10 SMA” can be prepared and published well. This

               book is presented as a comprehensive guide designed to help teachers and
               students  understand  and  master  recount  text  according  to  the  latest
               curriculum. We hope that this book can facilitate the teaching and learning

               process in the classroom, make it more effective and enjoyable, and help
               students achieve the expected competencies. Thank you to all those who
               have contributed to the preparation of this book. Hopefully this book can

               provide great benefits to the world of education, especially in learning
               English at the high school level.

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