Page 4 - kelompok9
P. 4

List of Content

               Foreword ……………………………………………………………....………. i

               Preface …………………………………………………………………….…... ii

               List of Content ……………………………………………………………….. iii

               Recount Text …………………………………………………….…...………. iv

                   A. Introduction to Recount Text …………………..……………………. iv
                   B. Types of Recount Text ……………………………..…………………. iv

                   C. Structure in Recount Text ……………………………...……………… v
                   D. Language Features in Recount Text …………...………..…………… v

                   E. Examples of Recount Text ……………………...……………..…….… v

               Learning Evaluation ……………………………………………...…….....… vi

               Authors …………………………………………………………...………..... vii

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