Page 6 - kelompok9
P. 6

C.  Structure in Recount Text
                   1.  Orientation

                      The  first  structure  which  contains  information  about  characters,
                      location of events, time, etc. Hopefully the information provided by

                      the author can provide the information or information the reader
                      needs to understand the story.

                   2.  Events
                      The second structure is the content of the text or in the form of stories

                      about events or experiences that the writer wants to convey to the

                   3.  Reorientation
                      The third structure contains conclusions or summaries or repetitions

                      of information contained in the orientation structure.

               D.  Language Features in Recount Text
                   1.  Use of Past Tense

                      Recount texts use past tense to describe events that have happened
                      in the past. For example, in the sentence "I went to Bali last summer,"

                      the verb "went" indicates that the activity took place in the past.
                   2.  Use of Conjunctions and Time Connectors

                      Conjunctions  and  time  connectors  are  used  in  recount  text  to
                      connect events in the story and help the reader follow the flow of

                      time. For example, the use of "then", "after that", or "later" helps to
                      establish the chronological order of events.

               E.  Examples of Recount Text
                   1.  Personal Recount

                                                 My Fun Day at the Park

                              Last Sunday was a sunny day. My mom and dad took me to
                      the park. At the park, I saw many friends. We played on the swings
                      and slides. It was so much fun! After playing, we had a picnic lunch.

                      My mom packed my favorite foods. I ate a sandwich, an apple, and

                      some cookies. They were yummy! Then we went to see the ducks. I
                      brought  some  bread  to  feed  the  ducks.  The  ducks  quacked  and

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