Page 36 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.1, April 2023
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Ukraine,  and  nearly  70  per  cent  of  those  The UN-led partnership was established in
            displaced within the country.                    2015 and has so far supported more than
                                                             900 organizations.
            Military spending increasing
                                                             “We urgently need better ways to support
            Furthermore,  women  peacebuilders  had
            hoped  that  the  COVID-19   pandemic            civil  society  and  social  movements in
            would cause countries to rethink military        these  countries.  That  means  being  much
            spending,  as  the  global  crisis  revealed     more    intentional   about     funding    or
            the    value    of   caregivers    and    the    engaging with new groups, and especially
            importance     of    investing   in   health,    with young women,” she said.
            education,  food  security  and  social  Women’s involvement equals success
                                                             The meeting was chaired by Mozambique,
            “Instead, that spending has continued to  which  holds  the  rotating  Security  Council
            grow,  passing  the  two-trillion-dollar  presidency this month.
            mark, even without the significant military      The  country’s  Foreign  Minister,  Verónica
            expenditure of the last months,” she said.       Nataniel Macamo Dlhovo, expressed hope
            “Neither  the  pandemic  nor  supply-chain       that the debate will lead to action, such as
            issues  prevented  another  year  of  rising     stronger strategies on gender equality,
            global arms sales.”
                                                             as well as women’s effective participation
            The way forward                                  in peacekeeping and peacebuilding.

            Ms. Bahous outlined two suggestions that  “There  is  no  doubt  that  by  involving
            show  what  a  change  of  direction  could  women          in   the    peacebuilding     and
            look like for the international community.       peacekeeping agenda in our countries, we
                                                             will achieve success,” she said, speaking
            “First,  we  cannot  expect  2025  to  be  any
            different  if  the  bulk  of  our  interventions   in Portuguese.
            continue  to  be  trainings,  sensitization,  “Under no circumstances do we want that
            guidance,  capacity  building,  setting  up  the people who bring life into the world are
            networks,  and  holding  one  event  after  negatively  impacted.  We  must  protect
            another     to    talk    about     women’s  them.  Use  women's  sensitivity  to  resolve
            participation, rather than mandating it in  conflicts  and  maintain  peace  on  our
            every    meeting     and    decision-making  planet.”
            process  in  which  we have  authority,”  she    Respect international law
                                                             Currently,  more  than  100  armed  conflicts
            Her second point focused on the need to          are raging around the world, according to
            get  resources  to  women’s  groups  in          Mirjana  Spoljaric,  President  of  the
            conflict-affected  countries,  particularly      International Committee of the Red Cross
            through     the   Women’s       Peace     and    (ICRC).
            Humanitarian Fund .
                                                             The  organization  sees  the  daily  brutal
                                                             impacts  of  armed  conflict  on  women  and
                                                             girls,  she  said,  which  include  “shocking

                                                             levels”  of  sexual  violence,  displacement,
            1                and deaths during childbirth because they
            2                          lack access to care.

            34                                                  AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No. 1, 2023-04

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