Page 104 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 104

100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International

          United Nations and other organizations through their own efforts. Geneva has
          bесоmе more and more involved with crisis prevention and crisis solution. The
          Petrovskys friendly approach to people in Geneva amongst the internationals
          and the Genevese has been а key factor in their success.

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                       "Geneva has become more and more involved
                        with crisis prevention and crisis solution."
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              Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky is а seasoned diplomat and academician from the
          Federation of Russia. He has been associated with the operation of the United
          Nations for several years. Мrs. Мira Petrovsky is а professional lady who has
          worked for 20 years in а  research institute in Moscow on American and
          Canadian systems. She  believes that it is important to learn from others to
          improve oneself. One missed а lot being an isolationist. She is an author of
          books on political and social relationships. Her open-mindedness, dynamism
          and friendliness are captivating. In spite of being а professional woman, she is а
          true representative of actors of diplomacy. Her understanding of the role of
          diplomats’ wives and their hidden contribution to their husbands' work is
          interesting. Being an Honorary President of the United Nations Women’s
          Guild, she takes а great interest in their  numerous activities, especially the
          Guild's annual charity Bazaar.

              In response to а question on the  direction of the United Nations in
          international affairs at the approach of its 50  year, Mr. Petrovsky said that at
          this moment of turbulence, it is more than clear that there is а need for а global
          forum like the United Nations and the  international organizations. "ln the
          period of transition, we need а forum of UN to discuss together the different
          ideas for cooperation and collaboration in an interdependent world. At this
          time of change, we have to focus our efforts together to find solutions as we
          cannot afford to isolate ourselves from each other. In order to achieve this
          objective of forming policies for interdependent joint activities in  different
          spheres, the international organizations have an important role to play”.

                                         * * *
           "ln the period of transition, we need а forum of UN to discuss together the
            different ideas for cooperation and collaboration in an interdependent
                                         * * *

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