Page 105 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 105
Bringing the Concept to Life
In reply to the question of present objective and future anchor of the
United Nations towards а better globally managed system, Mr. Petrovsky
stated that the United Nations is presently undergoing an important
transformation to deal with the changing geopolitical phase. The challenges of
the world today are posing а new dimension. The UN is active in building its
strategy of peacemaking as laid down in the agenda of the Secretary-General.
The activities of human rights, humanitarian relief, trade and development,
world health, refugees, and disarmament were focusing on solving the needs of
people around the globe based on the principle of interdependence in crisis
solution and crisis prevention.
Geneva's role was very vital for the Director-General. He said, "The United
Nations can be compared to medal with two sides, one side for decision-
making with central Headquarters in New York, and the other side for
operational activities in Geneva. The operational activities are increasing in
importance and strength. Undoubtedly, the Geneva Headquarters is part and
parcel of the United Nations system".
"Geneva has а comparative advantage", stated the Director-General, by
virtue of being the seat of the League of Nations and centre for multilateral
diplomacy. History and the infrastructure have been an important factor for
Geneva's position as the second most important centre of the United Nations.
Geneva symbolizes а spirit of internationalism. Not only its natural beauty with
mountains and lake are the images that conjure in people's minds and vision
around the world. Geneva is associated also with the first international
organization, the League of Nations, with many summits, conferences, treaties,
and conventions which bear the name of the city, with ever increasing activity
of UN diplomacy.
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“Although Geneva is European based, it is not Eurocentric, it is global”.
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Mr. Petrovsky said, "On the eve of its 50th Anniversary, the international
society feels а part of Geneva and finally it has become one society instead of
being parallel societies. The choice of location is based on the Member States
decision and Geneva has been chosen as the ideal place for the United
Nations". He stated that, "Although Geneva is European based, it is not
Eurocentric, it is global". Geneva is the traditional place for conferences. There
are more conferences held here than any other place. Its infrastructure, its