Page 32 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 32
friends are Swiss and I am very inte-
grated and speak with a Geneva ac-
cent. But if there is a football match
between Russia and Switzerland, I
support Russia.
Q. Have you ever been to
I was invited several times but have
not had a chance to go without a
passport. I am from an Orthodox
family and attend services at the Rus-
sian Church as part of a tradition.
To be honest I am a bit of an anarchist,
very independent and Utopian. I mean
that I dream of a society that will be
built on knowledge and intelligence. ing style when I was about twenty the variety of things for
My tendencies lean more to the Left years of age. When I was very young your work?
than Right. I lived in a different era I met Picasso in the south of France. I I go around markets, visit antique
and am not young any more. I am an
take the opportunity to mention that stores and flea markets.
old man. When younger I could not
he was a cubist painter. Picasso was
take part in many competitions that never an abstract painter. Q. Do you have students?
were reserved for Swiss citizens. Per-
No, I refuse to teach. If I were a profes-
haps it is what has given me a fighting Q. I also heard that you sor I would not want to have students
spirit and the guts to move forward. do body painting. like me. But I was always among the
Historically, I am the first who started best students.
I have travelled a lot while it was de-
to do it with photos of my work that
nied to me without travel documents. were published in books and trans- Q. You are also famous
But I was not able to visit Russia, the lated into various languages. It hadn't for your unique collection
land of my fathers. been done before and I was invited of African art and you
to appear on television in France, Ja- have also published books
Q. Do you love Russian pan ... I had many contacts and did about it. When did you get
Culture? a lot of celebrities like Ornella Muti, your first objects from Af-
Of course. I do not like opera except Georges Moustaki and other celebri- rica?
for Russian opera. I love ballet and ties of my time. When I was about twenty I earned
used to do the scenery for the ballet
some money. I spent all my savings
in Geneva and Paris.
Q. Is it more difficult to on the purchase of African cultural
paint on a human being objects. I also have items from Japa-
Now is my period of abstract art as than on a canvas? nese and Chinese cultures. Picasso
you can see from my art works. Rus- It's the same - no that's not true. For also had a collection of African cul-
sians were the precursors of the genre me it is a form of portraiture. It began tural objects.
in 1910-1915 before the Russian Rev- when I was asked to design a fashion
olution. When I look at the books show for fur products. The original Q. Do you still exhibit to-
that were published during the Cold idea was that the models would ap- day?
War in the 1960s it is unbelievable pear on the podium wearing African Yes. I am preparing for another one.
how many details were hidden, even
masks. Then I got the idea to paint I have my exhibitions but at my age
the date of the first abstract works their faces instead of using masks. It people don't look to the future. What
were changed. We cannot say that it takes around twenty-four hours to motivates me to do different things is
did not begin in Russia since the first paint a human face. time. As an old man I know there is
paintings of abstract art are attributed not much time left and I want to use
to Kandinsky, Malevich, Lissitzky.
Q. From what I see around it do the things I like ... so you can
me, you do a lot of unique say I remain very active for my age.
I am an artist of my time. I also began and interesting sculp-
with abstract art that was my draw- tures. Where do you get EKATERINA PINCHEVSKAYA