Page 33 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 33
IANLYQLJR Stories of
[PQCQfl unexpected protectors
we can either be silent and turn our
heads the other way, or speak up and
stand up for each other.
We are overexposed to narratives
that lead to division, polarization and
hatred, amplified by the information
that reaches us. At the same time, we
are underexposed to constructive
The images are not visible unless seen through special glasses. and unifying messages, despite there
being a large number of people who
In the context of rising polarization bours from the flames of a burning stand up for each other in small and
and hatred, people have the power to building. "Incendie d'Aubervilliers: big ways. These instances, however,
dissolve hate. Hatred becomes legiti- Mohssen, le héros qui a sauvé tous ses rarely reach us because they do not
mate and acceptable when a group is voisins' Le Parisien, 11 June 2014. feature prominently in the media.
depicted as monolithic and when this Narratives that lead to division are
group is perceived as representing a Muslims making a human shield pro- emphasized.
threat. This prism is systematically tecting a Church as well as Hindu cele-
used to lead and justify discrimina- brations in Pakistan. "Human shield The Protectors' Stories Album col-
tion, conflicts and genocides. expresses solidarity with Christians' lects testimonies of protectors across
Dawn, 14 October 2013. the world to expose and amplify the
"I Am Your Protector" presents sto- stories that challenge the mispercep-
ries of unexpected and often un- By coincidence a group of young tion, deconstructs hatred and give
known protectors showing that no people from Pakistan were near the tools to become protectors.
group, no community is monolithic. location of the campaign
Even in times and places of conflict, and when they looked The world will not be
war and genocide, people have stood through the special glasses
up for each other in tense situations or revealing the stories on the destroyed by those who
even across conflict lines. They have invisible screen, one young
not let a prejudiced narrative, even if man recognized himself as do evil but by those who
believed by the majority, make them one of the Protectors we
hate the other because they were "the featured on "I Am Your watch them without
other": Protector": It showed a
Muslim community form- doing anything.
"I Am Your Protector" featured on ing a human shield stand-
large screens in key locations in New ing around Christians and Albert Einstein
York—Union Square, Washington their church.
Square, Columbus Circle—on which
the images are not visible unless seen Jews welcomed Muslims in their syn- To discover unexpected and often
through special glasses, distributed at agogue in Canada after their mosque unknown stories of protectors, visit
the time. The format echoed the con- was damaged in an arson attack. the website:
tent—inviting people to "see things "Peterborough synagogue welcomes
differently" and be exposed to stories Muslims displaced by mosque arson'
that challenge perception, misper- CBCNews, 27 November 2015. Become a Protector, join the
ception and prejudice toward the so- community.
called "other": "I Am Your Protector" is a communi- Facebook:
ty of people who speak up and stand
Stories such as the one of Mohssen, a up for each other across religion, race, Twitter: @IAYProtector
young Tunisian illegal immigrant in gender and beliefs. From bullying to #iamyourprotector
Paris who saved a dozen of his neigh- genocide, and everything in between,