Page 36 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 36
(Part 1)
Quo Vadi11s Catalonia.
By Albert Pont, President, Cercle Català de Negocis (
With over 7,5 million inhabitants, of independence. The Cercle Català shall elaborate on the relevant legal
Catalonia is larger than many of the de Negocis (Catalan Cercle for Busi- aspects related to the emergence of
members of the European Union and ness) is an entrepreneurs' association an independent Catalan State and the
has approximately the same popula- dedicated inter alia to provide infor- likely consequences for the European
tion and surface area as Switzerland. mation both to governments and to Union, third countries and their na-
Historically, Catalonia has been the grass-root citizens, in Catalonia and tionals residing or having properties
industrial avant-garde of Spain. Cat- abroad, about the reasons and the ra- or other interests in Catalonia.
alan culture has developed its own tional arguments in favour of Catalan
unique and universal identity over independence'. Why do Catalans want to
the centuries. Most Catalans do not become independent?
consider themselves merely part of The purpose of this article is to re- There are broadly three main ar-
a region, but of a nation that has not view the historic, as well as present guments for the independence of
a state of its own. They do not see day claims for Catalan self-rule and Catalonia. The first one is that since
themselves as Spanish but exclusively to present the main arguments of the Catalan culture and language is
Catalan. Such feelings raise eyebrows Political, cultural, linguistic and eco- neither understood nor accepted in
in other parts of Spain, Europe and nomic nature for the independence of Spain (and are neither protected nor
elsewhere, but are widely accepted Catalonia In a follow-up article, we fostered); the best way forward is an
as legitimate within Catalonia. Yet, independent state. This results from
while secession from Spain is viewed
as an option for a better future, some 1 Relevant and detailed infor-
still perceive it as a utopian formula mation can be obtained in form of Globalization - The Case for Catalo-
rather than a viable alternative. This articles, dossiers and other studies nia's Secession from Spain", by Josep
available in Catalan, Spanish and, in Desquens (BC Journal of International
may be the result from fear of the
some cases, in English on the CCN Affairs, John Hopkins University),
unknown and lack of information
website: available under http://www.ihubc.
about the economic, political, social
2 The content of the following it/bc jou rnal/articles/ m).
and cultural costs of remaining part
sections have been adapted from "Eu- The CCN feels indebted to the author
of Spain and the potential benefits rope's Stateless Nations in the Era of of the article.