Page 35 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 35
Interview with
Saidou Abatcha
Comedian and an advocate for
the industrialization of Africa
It is not every day that you meet a comedian and an actor in the
United Nations. The Franco-Cameroonian actor SaIdou Abatcha
came all the way from the south of France to participate in a Sum-
mit marking the beginning of UNIDOc fiftieth anniversary celebra-
tion dedicated to "The Industrialization ofAfrica". As a master of words,
SaIdou Abatcha uses African proverbs to make people laugh and think.
it on to others, and we do not know
He is a brilliant man, and has won the Raymond Devos Prize for the best how many would become infected.
comedian, and other awards for the quality of texts and language games So terrorism is an international prob-
which form part of his act. This native Fulani of northern Cameroon is lem and everyone must move. I invite
an almost inexhaustible source of African proverbs. you to read Amadou Hampate Ba.
Q: You are a comedian and Union passport for the businessman Q: Do you think that art-
actor. Why did you come from Mali, from Guinea, so that he ists have a role to play?
here today to participate can get his goods from Cameroon to Africa today has wealth. It has edu-
in this seminar on the in- Cape Vert. We want to abolish barri- cated people who have studied at
dustrial development of ers. We must also develop infrastruc- universities in Europe and the Unit-
Africa? ture, highways and air traffic. ed States, and there is a young and
With all its wealth in terms of re- dynamic part of the population who
sources, demography and intellect, Q: There are so many want to enjoy this wealth. They have
it's sad to see that Africa is not taking problems in Africa? been to school and they want work,
off. Why? Studies have shown that it You make me laugh! Tell me what and if they do not get it, the result
is due to a lack of industrial develop- country has no problems today? can become like an atomic bomb—a
ment. At this meeting, we wanted to Was Boko Haram born in Paris? huge disaster. African youth should
see Africa developing its industry on There are problems everywhere to- work in Africa. They could eventual-
the six cardinal points—from east to day. Today everyone should start to ly come to Europe to gain experience,
west, from south to north, from top take care of their own problems. The to establish bilateral relations, but not
to bottom. When we talk about top environment should be concerned to migrate.
down, it also involves the develop- with its own problems, the problems
ment of satellites. We want to destroy themselves should deal with their Corruption is something that has
all problems. own problems. When all the prob- been installed by the Europeans, and
lems would take care of themselves, if there is a weak soul accepting it, it's
In Africa salaries are low and insuffi- everyone would be busy. The fact is because he has a family to feed. So if
cient. With one hand you cannot tie a that nobody wants to deal with their you develop industrialization, there
bundle. The left hand washes the right own problems. They say that when would be work for everyone and cor-
hand, and when both hands are clean, you see your neighbour's beard catch ruption and many problems will dis-
you can present your message. In fire, run fast and wet yours. appear out of the little window.
other words, all the things need to be
united to produce something that is A decision has to be made and we If you speak French and you like
very nice for others, and we would like have to join forces, all together, to to listen to somebody who is a
to see barriers vanish in Africa. We do fight against the problems. When true master of words, go and see
not want a situation where starting there is a problem, we cannot simply to Seidou's show - it's very en-
from Yaoundé and travelling to Abid- say it's your problem and you should tertaining.
jan you have to present your passport. deal with it. If you are sick and you
There should be one single African do not cure your disease you will pass