Page 67 - Bulletin, Vol.83 No.3, December 2024_version 11-12-2024
P. 67

If you are fond of history (and I have written a lot about Generalissimo Suworow's
               crossing of the Alps, 1799), Glarus is the region where he completed his crossing, but
               before undertaking the final crossing of the Alpine passes, he visited a difficult-to-reach
               high-altitude lake, the Klöntalersee, where he left the army's treasure. Legend has it that
               the treasure was not lost, but that it was hidden in this lake, and to this day divers have
               searched - in vain - for it. You may wish to try your luck!

               There is also an interesting Museum of Anna Göldi  who was the last person to be
               executed for witchcraft by beheading, in Glarus in 1782 (the last witch in Switzerland).
               Much later, in 2008, the Swiss parliament acknowledged her case as a miscarriage of
               justice and she was  posthumously exonerated by the Government of Canton Glarus,
               226 years after her death. And this fascinating story is not because of the witchcraft
               aspect, but because the misjudgement was recognized and the memorial with eternal
               flame was erected as if to pay tribute to the values it stands for – fairness, openness,
               justice. The mistake was made, and it was publicly  corrected.  And this is also the
               strength of Glarus – all is open, transparent. So it is no surprise if the Canton is still
               holding the Landgemeine – an open, direct and transparent voting on the main square
               of the Capital.

               The flag itself also says about the uniqueness of the Canton – it is the only Canton that
               has a person  –  and the only saint  -  depicted on its seal and flag, St Fridolin, who
               symbolises the liberation of the Canton (after the battle of Nafels, 1388), and who since
               then remains the Patron Saint of Glarus.

               Since I am interested in cheese and have conducted research in that domain (many of
               you are aware of it),  this is the Canton which produced the most weird, bizarre,
               controversial and even polarizing cheese – the Shabzigger, blended with local herbs.
               Herbs are also special, as there may be some tectonic anomalies affecting the geology
               and also the pastures, flora and these herbs used to produce this cheese thus making
               the taste so distinctive. But have you ever heard about this cheese? If not and when you
               see it – try it, but do not rush to throw it – it has a subtle taste, different from any other
               Swiss cheese – and it has a centuries-long tradition, and it is a recognized and certified
               DOP cheese.

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 83 No.3, 2024-12                                                65

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