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developing and researching a TsMDS of this type. below certain values), the accelerating
However, the incompleteness of the development mode of the UAS "breaks down" and the ion
of this design and the urgent nature of the task at accelerator starts operating in the plasma
hand made us look for another technical solution. generation mode. Plasma fills the space
For preliminary ion preparation and between the substrate and the AIS, which
ion assistance we used an autonomous gas- creates conditions for the implementation
discharge plasma source. The design diagram of of the ion-assisted mode. At a bias voltage
the integrated plasma device included the TsMRS of 60 V on the substrate, the substrate
and the autonomous ion source (AIS), located surface is bombarded with low-energy ions
coaxially in the cavity of the workpiece (Fig.2b). that assist the process of condensation of
An ion source with a narrow anode layer (UAS the ion-plasma coating.
of the "Radical" type) was used as the AIS. In This paper presents the results of the
contrast to the "Radical", the exit aperture of development of individual and integrated
the UAS axial magnetic system was located not plasma technological devices that allow
on the flat end surface of the magnetic poles, the application of coatings of various
but on the conical surface (Fig. 2b). Thus, a architecture, composition and purpose
highly divergent flow of gas ions was formed, on the inner working surfaces of parts of
which irradiated the condensation surface of the considerable length and diameter (from 20
coating with high-energy gas ions. At a discharge mm and more) made of ferromagnetic and
voltage of UAS U = 1500 V, the ion current to non-ferromagnetic structural materials.
the treated surface was 0.25 A. it was found that
when the gas flow rate through the UAS anode
increases (or when the discharge voltage drops
A.D. Grishkevich.
Institute of Technical Mechanics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and the State Space agencies of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk.
1. Patent for invention No. 38845U, Ukraine, IPC С23С 14/00. Plasma device / Grishkevich A.D., applicant and patent holder Institute of Technical
Mechanics of NASU and SSAU. - u200808700, app. 01.07.2008, publ. 26.01.2009, Bul. No. 2 - 4 p.
2. Patent for invention No. 93471, Ukraine, IPC С23С 14/35, 14/56. Ion-plasma installation / Grishkevich A.D., Grinyuk S.I., applicant and patent
holder Institute of Technical Mechanics of NASU and SSAU. - a201005669; declared 05/11/2010, publ. 10.02.2010, Bul. No. 23 - 4 p.
3. Patent for invention No. 93833U, Ukraine, IPC С23С 14/00. Ion-plasma device of "hybrid" type / Grishkevich AD, applicant and patent holder
Institute of Technical Mechanics of NASU and SSAU. –A201005613, app. 05/11/2010, publ. 03/10/2011, Bul. No. 5 - 4 p.
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