Page 12 - The Frances and Nathan Kirsh Emergency Department
P. 12
June 8, 2020 June 2020
To: Office of Public Inquiries,
To: The Ministry of Health; Soroka Medical Center
Soroka Medical Center
Good morning. Re: Thanks
Hello. Last evening I was urgently
My name is Z. S., and I am the daughter of Y. S., who is currently hospitalized in the referred by my family physician to the ER
Orthopedics Ward at Soroka Medical Center. with suspected COVID-19 following the
Unfortunately, in the past several years my mother has visited Soroka many times appearance of a number of symptons
for treatments and been hospitalized due to a number of conditions from which she that included fever, cough, weakness,
suffers. In the past month, we visited the ER twice after she fell, once a month ago and and so on. When I arrived at the ER,
the second time yesterday. As her daughter, it is impossible for me to describe the despite the large number of patients,
sadness I feel when I see her suffering. I was admitted quickly and examined.
At the same time, I would like to mention to you that during the last two ER visits, I Thanks to Gil, the admissions clerk, for his
randomly encountered Dr. Dan Schwarzfuchs. A long wait rendered us “invisible,” and courtesy and concern. I would also like to
we awaited a solution until I approachaed Dr. Dan. thank Dr. Tzachi Slutsky and the nurses
It is important to note that we had not met previously. This was the first time. But Dan’s Cristina and Lilach, who admitted me and
sensitivity, on the one hand, and his determination to help, on the other, combined examined me calmly and with kindness,
with his professional and empathetic approach made things look completely different, without pressure and without making me
and I would like to thank him for that—for being a person whose heart hasn’t been feel like a “leper.” It was impossible not
hardened whose eyes haven’t been darkened by time. Unlike others, he saw us and to notice the smiles under their masks.
acted to provide us with optimal service. Their eyes told the whole story. There is
And it was the same yesterday. I went up to him, spoke with him and then everything no doubt that you are doing holy work,
became a little easier. and for that you deserve thanks and
In addition, yesterday at the Orthopedics ER we met a medical student named Matan appreciation.
Rothschild, who was attentive and kind and accompanied us through the processes of I wish you all good health and may the
reception, Xray, diagnosis, and admission. pandemic end soon!
Thanks to Soroka for employing physicians with big hearts and a real desire to help S. S.
Please convey these messages to Dr. Dan and Matan and of course to the relevant
Wishing you all good health, Z. S.