Page 8 - The Frances and Nathan Kirsh Emergency Department
P. 8

And so, Dr. Greenberg deals with Covid-19 as                I’m sure you’ve read    The conversations about identity are left outside. Alla Mohagana
well as important and urgent oncological and                about the camaraderie   (on the right) and Irina Roizman, ER nurses (Photo: Dean Ariel)
plastic surgeries.                                          at hospitals, that all
                                                            care providers work     Dr. Yosef Ayzenberg, a senior physician in internal medicine and
Called to the front lines. Dr. Roey Greenberg, resident in  together regardless     emergency medicine, and director of the Pain Management
plastic surgery (Photo: Dean Ariel)                         of their formal         Service in the ER, describes the important changes in how he
                                                            positions. And that’s   works during the crisis: The ER staff was divided into three
                                                            a fact. Every day, I    teams. Everyone works 12-hour shifts, so that each team is
                                                            see how everyone        completely separate. This also prevents staff from infecting
                                                            works together in the   each other and avoiding a complete shutdown of the ER in
                                                            hospital departments    the event of massive spread. This emergency period reminds
                                                            and the drive-through   Dr. Ayzenberg a bit of his military reserve duty, especially now
                                                            testing centers.        when he is once again working nighttime duty shifts, as he did
                                                            Everyone is committed,  years ago during his residency.
                                                            all are bound by the
                                                            Hippocratic Oath to
                                                            provide the same
                                                            high level of care to
                                                            everyone. During the
                                                            never-ending shifts at
                                                            Soroka, as a matter
                                                            of routine, during the
                                                            current crisis - and
                                                            in the future, Alaa
                                                            and Irina, and the
                                                            rest of the staff, all
                                                            leave politics and
                                                            conversations about
                                                            identity outside. In
                                                            here, they save lives.
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