Page 6 - The Frances and Nathan Kirsh Emergency Department
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Only time for a quick glance. Nofar Bar-Noy, medical Appreciate the separation. A guard at the entrance to the Respiratory Inside the respiratory ER, I met up
student, physician assistant in the Surgical ER (Photo: ER, who has asked not to be named (Photo: Dean Ariel) with Dr. Anat Nevo Shor - a senior
Dean Ariel) physician specializing in internal
medicine and gastroenterology.
Suspect Room Due to the crisis, she left her
routine work to support the staff
No, no, I didn’t get it wrong. Soroka hasn’t and strengthen urgent care in
transformed itself into a police station. the ER. Dr. Nevo Shor is a mother
“Suspect room” is what they call the of three. “Aren’t you afraid of
Respiratory ER - a closed, new area that was being infected?” I asked her. “I
set up especially for the crisis. Patients with do my best not to think about it
respiratory complaints such as coughs, fever so that I don’t get stressed, and I
and colds, which could be signs of Covid-19, believe in our protective gear.” She
are directed there. For the sake of caution, spends innumerable hours in the
these patients are not admitted to the hospital, working day and night. Her
“regular” ER. You can see that the patients supportive partner makes it possible
in the regular ER appreciate the separation, for her to dedicate herself to the
designed to keep them safe and which is hospital. And, ironically, during this
part of the effort being made to control the very difficult period, and because
pandemic and prevent it from spreading. there is no school, she actually sees
her children more in the few hours
she is at home.