Page 11 - The Frances and Nathan Kirsh Emergency Department
P. 11

To: Ms. Rachel Drori                Dr. Shlomi Codish,                        February 20, 2020
My name is Rachel and my father,    Director General Soroka Medical Center    I would like to express my thanks and
Elico, was treated in the ER on     Re: Thanks to the Staff of the Surgical   appreciation to the ER staff.
March 1, 2020.                      ER, Dr. Emilio (Urologist), and Nurse     Today I brought my daughter, who is
                                    Irena for their Care on February 12,      a soldier, to the ER. We were treated
I would like to express my great    2020. I feel privileged and obliged       wonderfully by everyone there—the
appreciation for the expertise and  to express my appreciation for            doctor, the nurses, and the support
humane attitude of Nurse Haled      the excellent treatment I received        staff. Everyone was especially helpful
A. for his humane attitude despite  at Soroka’s Surgical ER. Dr. Emilio       despite the pressure and the fact that
the tremendous pressure and the     provided me with an attentive and         the ER was filled to capacity. We received
huge patient load in the ER.        matter-of-fact explanation of the         optimal care. I approached a nurse and
                                    treatment in a kind, calming, and         received an explanation of my daughter’s
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.    assuring manner.                          condition and all the medications she
P.S. Thanks also to Nur,                                                      received. There are no words to express
the phlebotomist.                   I would like to thank the nurses Irena,   my thanks. Well done and keep up the
                                    Aliza, and Rachel Drori, the head nurse,  good work!
                                    who ensured that I was admitted
                                    immediately due to the intensity of       I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
                                    the pain I was                            To the charming Nurse Carni, I thank you
                                    experiencing.                             with all my heart for the kindness you
                                    Please convey my                          showed me.
                                    sincere thanks to                         The D. Family
                                    them all.
                                    Sincerely, Y.G.
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