Page 7 - The Frances and Nathan Kirsh Emergency Department
P. 7
I met nurse, Sumia Abu Arar, during a duty Joint effort. Malka Dil, Nurse’s Aid in the Respiratory ER
shift in the Respiratory ER. Throughout the (Photo: Dean Ariel)
crisis, she and her colleagues have been
working 12-hour shifts that are divided among
the different areas of the ER. She is also a
mother of three - and because she is afraid of
infecting them, she decided to stay away from
them until the crisis is over. Imagine a mother
who cannot be with her children who are so
close to her physically. And she is doing this as
part of the joint effort now.
Day and night in the ER. Dr. Anat Nevo Shor examining a She does not see her children. Sumia Abu Arar, nurse in I caught up with Dr. Roey Greenberg just as he
patient suspected of having Covid-19 (Photo: Dean Ariel) the Emergency Room (photo: Dean Ariel) was changing his mask and gloves. Normally,
he is a resident in plastic surgery. Now, he was
called in to help in the ER - the front line in this
battle. He treated the wounds on the face of an
elderly woman who fell at home. Now, when all
the spotlights are trained on the coronavirus,
and everyone is busy with that, the fact that
he has come in to handle “routine” surgical
matters, is a reminder that lurking behind the
dark shadow of the crisis are all the “standard”
diseases and problems that existed before and
will remain with us long after the crisis, and
some of them cannot wait until it passes. While
non-urgent surgeries have been deferred for
now, there are urgent procedures, regardless
of corona. And so, Dr. Greenberg deals with
Covid-19 as well as important and urgent
oncological and plastic surgeries.