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Grammar Past simple

            To be: Affirmative                               Regular verbs: affirmative and negative

            I/He/She/It     was                              I/You/He/She/It/We/They  stayed           in London.
            You/We/They     were
                                                             I/You/He/She/It/We/They   didn’t (did not) stay  in London.
            To be: Negative
                                                             Irregular verbs: affirmative and negative
                I/He/She/It       wasn’t (was not)
                                               old.          I/You/He/She/It/We/They  left             the city.
                You/We/They       weren’t (were not)
                                                             I/You/He/She/It/We/They  didn’t (did not) leave the city.
            To be: Questions and short answers
                                                                 Time expressions

            Was  I/he/she/it   old?  Yes,  I/he/she/it was.
                                    No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.      yesterday     yesterday evening        last year
                                                             three years ago    in 1666

              Were   you/we/they  old?   Yes, you/we/they were.

                                    No, you/we/they weren’t.
                                                               Grammar reference Workbook page 90
                                                                      4   Complete the sentences with these words.
                  Watch Out!
                    cook   cook ed  dance   dance d               give  learn  leave  play  read  watch
                    stop   stopp ed  hurry   hurr ied
                                                                    1 We played tennis on Saturday.
                                                                    2  Luke and Jason   a horror film last night.
             1   Study the grammar tables. Choose the correct
                                                                    3 He   me a present for my birthday.
               options to complete the rules.
                                                                    4  I   a text about Ancient Rome. I    about
                                                                      Julius Caesar.
                 1  The past forms of  regular / irregular  verbs
                                                                    5 You   school early yesterday.
                 end in - ed .
                 2  The past forms of  regular / irregular  verbs are
                 all different.  It is important to learn them.
                                                                  Verb endings:  W   G   ́G
             2   What is the Past simple form of these verbs?
                 1 play  played  7 do        13 see               5a     1.32   Listen and repeat the sentences.
               2 go              8 carry     14 like
                                                                        1  /t/ :  We liked the castle.
                 3 start         9 eat       15 write
                                                                        2  /d/ :  He travelled to London.
               4 read          10 give       16 take
                                                                        3   ́G /: The fire started there.
               5 clean         11 listen     17 come
               6 drink         12 hear       18 sit
                                                                    b    1.33  Listen. Copy the table and put the
                                                                      verbs in the correct column.
             3   Complete the sentences with the Past simple.
                 1 She  did  (do) her History homework last night.       asked  died   ended   escaped  happened
                 2 The soldiers   (fight) in the war.              lived   visited  wanted  watched
                 3  The young man   (become) a knight.
                 4 The students   (learn) about the Great Fire.
                 5 The fire   (happen) last year.                         W                 G               ́  G
                 6 I   (have) a terrible day yesterday.
                 7 They   (study) for a test last night.
                 8 You   (make) a big mistake!
                                                                        c     1.34   Listen, check and repeat.

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