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Unit 3
                                                                Vocabulary  Life events

         6   Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.
                                                                1    1.35  Listen and repeat. Then match eight
               1  We went to London at the weekend.                of these words to the pictures.

               They   didn’t go to London at the weekend  .
               2  They visited a castle in Scotland. I   .        be born  1   die             fall in love
               3  He read a story about a famous knight. She   .   find a job   get married    go to university
               4  I saw a sword at the museum. You   .          graduate       have a baby     leave home
               5  The museum opened at ten. The restaurant   .   move house    retire          start school
               6  We had a History test last week. They   .

               7  I was in London two weeks ago. He   .         Word list page 43     Workbook page 106
           7   Complete the email with the Past simple form   1                2                 3
             of these verbs.

               arrive  be       go       have       learn
           not buy   not come   not feel   not have   see
           stay     visit

          New Message                                        4                 5                 6
             Hi Barbara!                        Send
             Well, we   arrived  in London ten days ago. Last
           Friday Dad and I     to the Tower of London. It


           3     fantastic and we      a lot about English

           history. Mum      with us because she  6    well.
           She     at the hotel.
             Yesterday we     the Imperial War Museum.       7                 8
           Then we     lunch at a fish and chip shop. In the
           afternoon we went shopping on Regent’s Street. I
           10    some beautiful clothes. I     them because I
           12     any money. Oh well! Next time.

             See you soon.
             Diana        Add Attachments
                                                                2   Which words in Exercise 1 are not in the
                                                                3    1.36  Choose the correct options. Then
                                                                   listen and check.
                                                                     Megan Davies   was  /   had  born in 1953. She

                                                                   2    started  /  left   school when she was five and

                                                                   3       started  /  left   school when she was eighteen.

                                                                   After school, she   went   /  retired   to university. She

                                                                   5    retired  /  graduated  in 1974. She     got  /  left  home

                                                                   when she   met   /  found   a job. She met John and

                                                                   8    started  /  fell   in love with him. They   got  /  had

                                                                     married two months later. Megan   had  /  was  a


                                                                   baby in 1977. After two years, Megan and John
         8   What about you?  What did you do last

                                                                   11    moved  /  left   house. Megan   retired  /  graduated


             weekend? Write sentences.
                                                                     when she was 60.
               On Saturday I didn’t get up early. I got up at ten. I
             had breakfast and then I met my friends in town …
                                                                      Brain Trainer Activity 4
                                                                         Go to page 114
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