Page 36 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 36

Reading                                       :LOOLDP 6KDNHVSHDUH

                                                                  MPPMEQ 7LEOIWTIEVI [EW FSVR MR 7XVEXJSVH YTSR %ZSR
             1   Look at the photo. Answer the questions.
                                                              W)RKPERH  MR       ,I TVSFEFP] [IRX XS WGLSSP FYX LI
                 1  Who is this man?                        HMHR´X KS XS YRMZIVWMX]  ;LIR LI [EW IMKLXIIR ;MPPMEQ QEVVMIH
               2  Why is he famous ?                        %RRI ,EXLE[E]  8 LI] LEH E WSR GEPPIH ,EQRIX ERH X[S HEYKLXIVW

                 3  What do you know about him?             7YWERRE ERH .YHMXL  ,EQRIX HMIH SJ XLI TPEKYI [LIR LI [EW IPIZIR
                                                              -R       7LEOIWTIEVI PIJX LMW JEQMP] MR 7XVEXJSVH ERH [IRX XS
                                                            0SRHSR  8LIVI LI WXEVXIH E GEVIIV EW ER EGXSV  E [VMXIV ERH XLI
                                                            S[RIV SJ E XLIEXVI [MXL WSQI SXLIV EGXSVW  ,I VIXMVIH MR
                                                            ERH HMIH XLVII ]IEVW PEXIV
                                                              ;MPPMEQ 7LEOIWTIEVI [VSXI EFSYX XLMVX] IMKLX TPE]W  GSQIHMIW
                                                             I K   % 1MHWYQQIV 2MKLX´W (VIEQ    XVEKIHMIW  I K   6SQIS ERH
                                                            .YPMIX   ERH LMWXSVMGEP TPE]W  I K   6MGLEVH ---
                                                              7SQI TISTPI XLMRO XLEX 7LEOIWTIEVI HMHR´X [VMXI LMW TPE]W
                                                            8LI] FIPMIZI XLEX ERSXLIV  Q]WXIV] TIVWSR [VSXI XLIQ  ;L]#
                                                            &IGEYWI MR XLI WM\XIIRXL GIRXYV]  [VMXIVW [IVI SJXIR VMGL ERH
                                                            [IRX XS YRMZIVWMX]  8LI] YWYEPP] XVEZIPPIH ERH WTSOI HMJJIVIRX
                                                            PERKYEKIW  7LEOIWTIEVI HMHR´X GSQI JVSQ E VMGL JEQMP] SV WXYH] EX
                                                            YRMZIVWMX] ERH LI WXE]IH MR )RKPERH EPP LMW PMJI  1SWX TISTPI FIPMIZI
                                                            7LEOIWTIEVI [EW XLI EYXLSV SJ XLI TPE]W  FYX XLIVI EVI UYIWXMSRW
                                                            EFSYX LMW PMJI   ;L] HMH LI QEVV] %RRI ,EXLE[E]# ;L] HMH LI
                                                            QSZI XS 0SRHSR# ;L] HMH LI VIXMVI# ,S[ HMH LI HMI#
                                                              7LEOIWTIEVI´W TPE]W EVI JEQSYW EPP SZIV XLI [SVPH FYX LMW PMJI
                                                            LEW QER] Q]WXIVMIW

                                                                                                   Key Words
                                                                             career      owner       play
                                                                                     tragedy  mystery  author

             2   Read and check your answers to Exercise 1.       Listening
             3    1.39  Read the text again. Complete the
               sentences with the correct years or numbers.       1    1.40  Read the questions. Guess the
                                                                    correct answers. Listen and check.
                 1  Shakespeare was born in the year   1564.
                 2  He married in the year   .                      1  How old was Anne Hathaway when she got
                 3 He had   children.                                 married?
                 4  Shakespeare moved to London when he was             a sixteen   b twenty-two      c twenty-six
                    years old.                                        2  How many wives did Philip II of Spain have?
                 5  He stopped writing in the year   .                  a two     b three        c four
                 6  He died in the year   .                         3  The father of the young princes in the Tower was
                 7 He wrote   plays.                                   a Richard III.  b Henry VI.   c Edward IV.

           4       1.39   Read the text again. Answer the             2   1.40  Listen again. Complete the sentences.
                                                                      1  Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway got married
                 1  Where was Shakespeare born?                       on the 27 th  or 28 th    .
                 He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.       2  Mary and Philip got married in   .
                 2  Did he go to university?                          3 Mary of   was Philip II’s second wife.
                 3  What was his wife called?                         4  The names of the two princes in the Tower
                 4  Why did his son die?                              were   and   .
                 5  Did Shakespeare’s family go with him to London?   5 Peter scores   out of   .
                 6  What did Shakespeare do in London?
                 7  What kinds of plays did Shakespeare write?
                 8  Why do some people think that Shakespeare
                 didn’t write his plays?

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