Page 38 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 38

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            Refresh Your Memory!
           Grammar Review                                       Vocabulary Review
           1   Copy and complete the table with these verbs     4   Complete the sentences with these words.
             in the Past simple form.
                                                                  castle   century    killed  prisoners
               become  do        die      have        leave        servants  sword    wars
           live        read      see      stay     study
                                                                     1  Jeanne d’Arc lived in the fifteenth   century .

                  Regular           Irregular                        2  Thousands of soldiers died in the   between
                                                                     France and England.
                                    became                           3  The king put the   in the dungeon.
                                                                     4  King Charles VII of France lived in the   of Chinon.
                                                                     5  They were rich and their   cooked and
           2   Complete the sentences with the Past simple
                                                                     cleaned the house for them.
             form of the verb  to be .
                                                                     6  The knight had a   and a white horse.
               1 She  wasn’t  tall, she was short.
                                                                     7  The plague was a terrible disease. It
               2 What   Shakespeare’s first name?
                                                                     many people.
               3    there any people in the castle?
               4 It   an interesting place.                     5   Complete the text with these words.
               5 The buildings   old, they were new.
                                                                    born   got  graduated  had  left  moved
           3   Choose the correct answer.
               1 When   she born?                                    Barack Obama was   born  in Honolulu, Hawaii in

                a did     b does     c  was                        1961. He went  to school in Indonesia and


               2 I didn’t   to the museum at the weekend.            Hawaii.  When he      school, he studied law in


                  a go    b went     c going                       New York.   He      from university in 1983. He and
               3 We   a film about London yesterday.               Michelle Robinson     married in 1992. They
                                                                   5      their first baby in 1998.   When Barack Obama

                  a see   b saw      c did see

                                                                   became President of the USA in  2009, he and his
               4 They   like the Tower of London.                  family      house. They moved to the White House

                  a not   b doesn’t  c didn’t
                                                                   in Washington DC.
               5 She   to school by bus yesterday.
                  a did go   b went  c go
                                                                Speaking Review
               6  Did you learn about the kings and queens of
               England?’ ‘Yes, we   .’
                                                                6    1.41  Put the conversation in the correct
                a did     b did go   c went
                                                                   order 1–6.  Then listen and check.
               7  How many plays   ?                               1
                 a Shakespeare wrote                                   Let’s go to the old castle today.
               b wrote Shakespeare                                         Because I like castles. They’re really cool!
               c did Shakespeare write                                 Why not?
               8  Shakespeare died hundreds of years   .
                                                                       Because castles are boring!
                 a ago    b last     c before
                                                                       No, thanks. I don’t want to go.
                                                                7    1.42   Listen and write in your notebook .
                                                               9   My assessment profile: Workbook page 129
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