Page 34 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 34


            Speaking and Listening
                                                                     Zak   OK, guys. I want to take a photo. Say
            1   Look at the photo. Answer the questions.                  ‘Cheese’!
                                                                     Nadia     No, Zak. I’m tired.  My feet hurt!
                 1  Where do you think the four friends are?
                                                                     Jody       Forget the photo. Let’s visit the Bloody Tower.
                 2  What are they doing there?
                                                                     Nadia   Why ?
                 3  What’s wrong with Nadia?
                                                                     Jody       Because there are ghosts in it !
            2     1.37  Listen and read the conversation.            Nadia   Then  I don’t want to see it .
               Check your answers.                                   Jody     Don’t be silly , Nadia.   Why don’t you want
                                                                          to see it ?
            3     1.37   Listen and read again. Answer the           Nadia   Because I’m scared of ghosts .
               questions.                                            Mr Jones   Well, I’m not sure there are ghosts, but King
                 1  Why does Zak say ‘Say “Cheese”’?                      Richard III killed two young princes there.

                 Because he wants to take a photo.                   Raven   Good morning!
                                                                     Zak     Did you hear that?!
                 2  Where does Jody want to go?                      Carlos     Yes, I did. It was that bird.
                 3  Why does she want to go there?                   Mr Jones   Yes, that’s a raven. The ravens at the
                 4  Why doesn’t Nadia want to go?                         Tower of London are famous. They look
                 5  Who killed the young princes in the tower?            after the Tower.
                 6  What is a raven?                                 Jody     And they can talk!
                 7  What can the ravens do?

            4   Act out the conversation in groups of five.
                                                                        Say it in your language …
                                                                        Say ‘Cheese’!
                                                                        Don’t be silly.

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