Page 35 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 35

5   Look back at the conversation. Complete          Grammar  Past simple:
             the sentences.
             1 Say ‘Cheese’!                                  questions and short answers
               2    there are ghosts in it!
               3 I   want to see it.                            Regular verbs: questions and short answers
               4 Don’t   silly.
                                                                      Did   /you/he/she/it/we/they   stay  in London?
               5    don’t you want to see it?
             6    I’m scared of ghosts.                                 Yes,   I/you/he/she/it/we/they   did  .
                                                                      No,   I/you/he/she/it/we/they   didn’t (did not) .
           6   Read the phrases for asking for and
             giving reasons.                                    Irregular verbs: questions and short answers
                                                                    Did  /you/he/she/it/we/they   leave  the city?
               Asking for a reason   Giving a reason
                                                                      Yes,   I/you/he/she/it/we/they   did .
               Why?/Why not?          Because  …
                                                                  No,   I/you/he/she/it/we/they   didn’t (did not) .
               Why do/don’t you
               want to  … ?
                                                                      Where  did   you   stay ?   When  did   they   leave ?

               7     1.38   Listen to the conversations. Act out
             the conversations in pairs.                         Grammar reference Workbook page 90
                 Zak     Let’s go to    the war museum .          1   Study the grammar table. Choose the correct
                 Nadia   Why?                                      options to complete the rules.
                 Zak        Because   it’s interesting.
                 Nadia       That’s a good idea.                     1  In Past simple questions we use  did  +  the
                                                                     infinitive / the Past simple  form of the verb.
                 Zak     I want to go to   the London Dungeon .      2  In Past simple short answers we  use / don’t use
                 Nadia     Why do you want to go there?              the verb  after  did  and  didn’t .

                 Zak        Because   it’s scary .

             Nadia   3  No way!                                 2   Make questions with the Past simple.
                                                                     1  I took a photo of the castle. (you)
           8   Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in
             Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own               Did you take a photo of the castle?
             ideas. Act out the conversations.                       2  He studied his History notes. (she)
                                                                     3  We saw a ghost in the tower. (they)
                                                                     4  You had lunch at one o’clock. (he)
                 Let’s go to the zoo.                                5  She got a good mark in the test. (you)
                                                                     6  They visited the dungeon. (he)
                                                                3   Make questions with the words in columns A
                                                                   and B.
                  Because it’s fun.                                  Did you visit your grandparents yesterday?
                                                                       A                  B
                                                                   visit your grandparents   at the weekend
                                                                     have an English lesson    last night
               1  the castle / zoo / park / shops                  meet your friends      last week
                                                                   walk to school          this morning
               2  (it’s/they’re) interesting / exciting / boring /   watch TV             yesterday
               fun / scary / terrible
                                                                4   In pairs, ask and answer the questions in
               3  That’s a good idea. / No way! / No, thanks. /    Exercise 3.
               OK. / All right.
                                                                          Did you visit your
                                                                    grandparents yesterday?
                                                                                               Yes, I did.

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