Page 11 - Mar2023
P. 11
Regarding Henry Editor's note: In the February 2023 issue of
MOTORING the love story of three sets of owners
for a 1968 MGC (named by the first owners, The
Green Machine, and then by the second owners,
Henry, after an English king) so captured my
attention, that I failed to include the photo of our
NBCC members who are now the third owners of
the small but mighty 6 cylinder world traveler.
While the Naylors didn't submit a photo for our
green edition, Henry is decidedly British Racing
Green and this is the place to remedy my earlier
oversight with the photo at left of (L-R) NBCC
members Stuart and Caroline Naylor, alongside
Stuart's sister Mary and her huband Brian, on
vacation together in France.
Henry is an old hand at being driven in France
having done so fresh from the factory in England
with his first owners.
Now the Naylors are contemplating returning him
to the continent for a trip through the Pyrennes.
The Italians on his first tour admiringly called
him La Bella Machina. Soon to be outfitted by
Stuart with a three carb set up and a new exhaust
system, the French will doubtless call Henry upon
his return to Europe -- très magnifique !
MGC Fact oid
" Built in the late
1960s, the MGC had
power boosted to
145bhp but with a
10-second 0-60mph
time it was hardly
quick, and the
heavier engine
affected handling so
it received mixed
It was liked enough
by the Royal Family
to be bought as a
first car for Prince
Charles, who took
delivery in 1968 ".