Page 12 - Mar2023
P. 12
The Allure of t he Rounded Form
Bot h t he eyes and t he brain perceive rounded shapes as similar t o living organisms. This means t hat
t he brain perceives such object s as friendly and appealing. Anot her t heory is t hat humans associat e
emot ions wit h geomet ric shapes and t hat circles or rounded shapes correspond wit h happiness.
According t o BBC Science, curved shapes..are safe, gent le, pleasant , graceful, dreamy, and even
beaut iful --shapes t hat evoke calmness, peacefulness, and relaxat ion.?
The Classified Coupe
This is my 1967 Series 1 E-Type Jaguar Fixed Head Coupe, British Racing Green with
Saddle interior.
I purchased the car in 1980 from the classifieds section in the Tennessean
As long as I can remember, I wanted one of these. It was a daily driver from 1980 to
I like it because of the great design, and it is fun to drive!
Tom Edwards