Page 16 - Mar2023
P. 16
How do you do, Miss Zelda ? Very nicely, thank you.
Pictured is my 1971 MGB. I won her on a bid on Ebay. She was located originally in Washington State in Cle
Elum. I've had her nine years now, and she is my favorite of all the sports cars I've owned through the years ,
including three MGBs and a Sunbeam Tiger.
I like her because she is dependable, cute, and hasn't gobbled down my money like those who came before
her. Her only quirk is the speedometer and odometer only choose to work on certain days, which for some
reason I find endearing. The photo was taken at Spring Hill Cemetery, where I take my daily walk.
I named her "Zelda" after the wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald, a beautiful schizophrenic who was quite artistic
when she wasn't off the deep end. This description applies to all my MGs of the past, who certainly went
crazy at times. If I'd known my Zelda was going to be as dependable and behaviorally correct as she has
been, I would have named her something with a less-tempestuous connotation.
Ralph Bland