Page 13 - Mar2023
P. 13
The Allure of t he Rounded Form
Bot h t he eyes and t he brain perceive rounded shapes as similar t o living organisms. This means t hat
t he brain perceives such object s as friendly and appealing. Anot her t heory is t hat humans associat e
emot ions wit h geomet ric shapes and t hat circles or rounded shapes correspond wit h happiness.
According t o BBC Science, curved shapes..are safe, gent le, pleasant , graceful, dreamy, and even
beaut iful --shapes t hat evoke calmness, peacefulness, and relaxat ion.?
How Do You Say Personal Best in Swedish?
I am a lifelong driver of PV544 Volvos. This 1961 model
is the best one I have ever had. It is all original, is light
green, and has only 40,000 original miles.
PV means Personal Vehicle. In 1944 after the end of
WWII, Sweden designed the PV444, which went on sale
in 1946. In 1959 Volvo changed the design, somewhat,
and renamed it the PV544.
In 2022 the quality of my PV544 was recognized at a
National Meet, "Rolling Through Carolina". It won not
only Best in Class but also took the award for Best in
Show, with a seal certifying the win from the National
Volvo Club of America.
Martin Stickley